
how DARE an artist actually have high standards and say something NEGATIVE about a fellow ar-Teest!! for SHAME FlyLo...tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk. you gots a lot to learn my fellow 1984 trained lemming, either give glowing 'Hurray for everything!' reviews or say NOTHING at all, you know the rules. Lock him up! You notice how mr Dave Grohl's career is still thriving today? Well guess why, cause he's never said ONE bad about ANY other band. well, at least since he ripped on Bush circa 1995 that is...but he's now past the statue of limitations on that one:) (sign of the cross)
this IS a match made in heaven, i think everyone should sign with 3rd Man...Radiohead should prolly get them as their US label.
I find it interesting that albums like this aren't as prized in the US as much as The Aeroplane Over the Sea (same time period), probably it's niche brit music and not done by an american with a weird voice i spose. -1 -1 -1 !!!! :)
OH MAN i didn't know they played Fallon!?! Thought they were in europe?!
listened to these earlier today, LOVE 'em, theres some Bends songs too and Lift...these would be great to throw in a Radiohead fan party mix:) [or perhaps to listen to on the way to a SHOW...Chicago/Detroit peeps in da house anyone?!]
...and BALLS! haha
haha those 2 'punks' needs to essplain themselves haha, i love how just saying 'yeah man!' 5 times made their punk wigs and look 'real!' hahaha
they filled that list with way too much obvious crap song filler to fit all the GOOD songs, a la Coffee and TV, 3 more Pulp songs, 5 more Radiohead songs, more Nirvana...etc
haha, dude, ALL You said was "JEFF BUCKLEY, LAST GOODBYE, WHAT?!?!" PERIOD. now, i wish i were psychic but i'm not, but normally if someone comments that stupidly they normally have no clue to who the person really is, and i'm still confused to what YOUR point was then to even say a word? You're mad they listed the song as Last Goodbye vs the original oldschool pre-recorded name?? ohhhhh K? this is clearly pointless.
Didn't that bastard Trudeau make them change the lyrics in Canada to Maple Leaf Monday?
He beat the piss outta Sir Paul haha, always be the cool one.
yet another ignorant twat who's never seen Live in Chicago...but it's ok lil boy, they're making a movie about Jeff just for clueless morons like you, there's still hope! oh...buckley fan brad pitt says no, there is no hope for bad. best you just stick to your Bon Iver.
umm, even Jarvis would agree that Paranoid Android beats the FUCK outta Common People, as good as CP is in the straight-up poppy's kinda not even close. light poppy anthems do not trump artistic genius amazing musicianship and amazing vocals...THORRY:)
-the the i n g, and move the middle word to the front.
i went thru this list yesterday, it's hilariously ridiculous. to put a suede song THAT high? and to make it an obscure pick that horrid wannabe Butler and whoever track...just classic trying-too-hard to surprise n wow the kids by not being predictable...even though 1/2 the list WAS.
nawt bad, nawt great, woulda been nice if there were one part where she actually hit and held a note and made the audience feel a tinge of emotion. translation: overly safe music and boring music. where's karen O when we need her:(
hey it's that dude with lazy eye!!!
or you could, for whiniest and most jealous no-talent waste 'o sperm n egg...or perhaps greatest lover of sheep?
a minus a zillion AND an editor fav... the highlight of my life:) (and an extremely accurate example of my social life haha.)
again, you're refusing for some reason to concede the simple fact that GROUPS of people with multiple brains, as a general rule, create yummier music than completely solo artists. comparing Grimes with Ladytron is apples and vagina rings.
theres 4 of them...they're a GROUP haha, again, SLIGHT difference queen of music...
and developing phantom ailments and limping off the court when she gracious she is;)
I didn't realize i could hate this bitch any more...i was wrong.
yes ladytron is better, ladytron is a full group though not one wee barely 24 yr old canadian person...ever-so slight difference.
hey hey DARE you, Bjork is weird cuz she's from Iceland, it's simple weirdness...Grimes has PUSSY RING weirdness SO...UH!
since 'that bon iver dude' soiled them all:(
BOTH BANDS??? this is confusing...who gets to play 2 songs or just one each? well this should free Grohl up for doing some huhLARIous skit cameos?
In Utero's so good it' s scary...can't wait for it to get the full anniversary treatment a la Nevermind.
Hands down THE wackiest pussy ring commercial i've ever seen...i'm buying 20!
mr high voice must be PISSED 'that Against Me dude' stole his future sex-change thunder...
Sounds like he's off the HORRIBLE! j/k...pretty good, he must be sober now...ish? Though i'm kinda wondering 'where's the baritone sax and orchestral drums?!'
well Broadcast is gone, this sounds like a fair replacement...though i'm a little weary of producer projects like that Mark Ronson nob...but it IS Nigel G, can NOT be bad:)
Then why the tatts? and why wasn't he more effeminate looking a la Ziggy Bowie? odd. this has gotta be quite the headfuck for their band's fans hahahahaha i'm mean sorry but wow, thank god i'm not one of them:)
love this girl but whens she gonna stop murdering her poor hair:(
her songs are pretty dreary and slow, BUT i love her voice, it's rock solid. and she gets mondo points for that duet she did on the last Belle and Sebastian album, it's a brilliant song and she was flawless on it.
that one cover band singer really needs to just lose the more your differences than makes you look similar:( sorry. and THAT is being a friend! haha
how come i never get invited to these Future-Sir-Thom dj parties?! too bad the musics all cut up, woulda been nice to hear a couple future songs just semi-fucked with BUT OH WELL.
this reminds me of SO many other people/bands...Ohhhhh i know i know i know, TOTALLY sounds like The Cardigans....there we go, mystery solved:)
i love you meredith dover...i think
two chord? she's not trying to be Radiohead you dumb cock, go listen to her demos and learn something.