
I find myself singing "Too Hot" at random moments way more often than anyone should be in 2014.
This is an extremely informative and well-written piece, even if I can't stand NYC circle-jerking. Your cutoff date of 2005 has me at the tender age of thirteen, and I also lived hundreds of miles away, so it's not like I could've paid attention. I'm sure it was one of those "you had to be there" things, because the whole "In a more cynical approach, you could look at this era as the time when a few rich kids co-opted alternative cultures of the past " typical NYC bullshit is so obvious it hurts. TV on the Radio is still my favorite band ever, though.
So Eli Roth and LDR, two of the universe's most reliable sources of bullshit, get together and make some more bullshit, and I'm supposed to be disturbed? Actual rape disturbs me. Masturbatory edginess does not.
Man, I'm sorry I got angry. If' it's any solace, I don't like pom pom either. I think Ariel Pink has random strokes of genius, but pom pom was not one of them.
Just because the "entire music world" (and btw, P4K, Stereogum, A.V. Club, CoS, etc. are most certainly not the entire music world), buzzes about something doesn't mean he should have chosen an album that he obviously did not like as the album of the week.
lolol I just turned 22 like four months ago. Anyway, my mistake if I insinuated that a married man with kids can't enjoy radio pop. I mean, radio pop is designed to appeal to the largest possible audience. But you don't find something even slightly humorous in grown-ass men and women getting all excited about the same things as 12-year-olds? That applies to everything, not just music. I think it's hilarious that my friends and I still get hype about a new Steven Universe episode or Super Smash Bros despite the fact that we have far exceeded the target demographic for said entertainment. Slightly off-topic, I realized yesterday afternoon that I really can't shit-talk anyone who listens to Taylor Swift, because I have been an avid Kyary Pamyu Pamyu fan since she debuted three years ago, and if there's anything that's guaranteed not to win you any cool points, it's J-Pop. In conclusion, fuck you.
(not that I don't enjoy a fair bit of radio pop, I just giggle a bit when this married dude with kids talks about how dope Taylor Swift is)
Same here! I love reading Tom dismiss things that I enjoy and champion things that teenagers love.
I love how you knew everyone's going to hate you for this.
Did you just know that by heart, or did you research? If it's the former, I highly, highly respect you. More than I already had.
Kanye is the only guy who has way out ideas and sees them through?
Can I pitch an idea for a column? It'd be like The 5 Best Songs Of The Week, but for songs that would be good to fuck to. The other day bae and I fucked to Wye Oak's "Sick Talk", and it was fantastic and totally an accident. I mean, you wouldn't even have to write a whole column if you don't want. One of y'all writers could just tweet me a list every week and just save the trouble. Which one of you is getting the most play? I bet it's DeVille. Can't be Tom, because he's married. Probably not Scott -- too busy. It could be Mike, though.
Now that's a headline worthy of the school newspaper!
I think you just said that because you probably Wikipedia'd "adult contemporary" and her photo is the very first one that appears. When I think of the genre, I think of very slow, utilitarian music. Soft rock. I feel the lyricism on NTOL still wasn't up to their usual standards, but it still had a bit of depth. Not all of the love-stricken lyrics could be taken at face-value, but that music was just boring.
I was the exact opposite in regards to NTOL, actually. On first listens, it was probably my second favorite TVOTR album behind Cookie Mountain. After repeated listens, though, I liked it less and less. I can't even listen to the damn thing all the way through anymore.
Actually, I was writing this as I was listening to it, so I take back my "adult contemporary" comment, because the back half of the album is quite the opposite.
I think my Dad would really like this one. And that is a back-handed compliment -- it's by all means an enjoyable work, but this album dangerously teeters around in that same unsettling adult contemporary hole as Nine Types of Light, and I liked that less and less with every listen. I mean, "Love Stained" hits me like something in a folder labeled "unusable" on Calvin Harris's Macbook and "Right Now" is a great groove that is in desperate need for a pop idol and a flawless hook. That being said, "Careful You" continues to grow on me, "Ride" is exceptionally breezy, and "Lazerray" is exactly what I wanted to hear. So, who knows -- maybe I've love it in a few months. I hated Dirty Projectors for like four years and then suddenly Bitte Orca clicked with me.
someone better tell that kid to run the jewel (case)
Yoncé pulling a Death Grips again, y'all #noided
It's surreal to me that schools exist where kids would just sing songs from Nirvana albums on the playground.
My Dad used to play this album pretty often when I was growing up, so much so that I didn't realize Nirvana wasn't a soft rock band until I was like 12. It's still the only Nirvana record I ever listen to.
Well really, "big willie" is just a euphemism for a sizable penis, which would also exceeds the standard vulgarity limit set by Mr. Reimgefshemarnkjenfiunwf, unfortunately stopping this album right out the gate.
just because there are indeed absurd amounts of white dudes with no rhythm at RTJ shows doesn't change the fact that yr a fuckboy
seriously tho, y'all need to follow Mike on Instagram.
I mean I love DG, but I even made a "lolno" face when I read that.
Last time I checked, Tom Breihan isn't a rapper, despite how much he probably wishes he were one.
Chris, this might be the best thing I've ever read on this website. And I'm not just saying that as a total RTJ fanboy. Mike is right about El-P having this exterior gruff that you wouldn't know hides a kind center. I've seen Killer Mike live a few times, so I know he's a mighty humble and thankful man, but when I saw RTJ last Tuesday, I expected El-P not to crack a smile the entire time, but the dude came out beaming. And he was so absolutely impressed by my city's ability to turn the fuck up at a hip-hop show that they both vowed to come back. It was a good night.
*WHEN your country, but you still get it
But seriously, stop with the Ebola jokes. Thousands of lost lives isn't a punchline with your country doesn't have the privilege of a fortified medical network. (that being said, downloading now)
2014 is playing with my fucking emotions way too much.
"*run the jewels reserves the right to take your money and not fulfill any of its obligations as outlined in any package priced at 35k or more." ..........................ruh roh, guys.
I swear I stared at this for like five minutes waiting for it to move before I realized it was a fucking jpg.
ok guys seriously; why are we still upvoting "So and So: Suck My Cock"? It's over. It's dead. It's EASY. Ugh.
my new mixtape TRILLER drops next month, thx 4 tha love.
Five years? Well fuck me, bro. Got me beat by like 2.