
Same. Although I do miss the mixtape of the week.
You still get to lecture a great many famous people. That's gotta feel good, right? Maybe you could even hit them in the nose with a rolled up newspaper.
Ah hell no. Confirming that lots and lots of people need to attend a lecture called “So you’ve achieved a modicum of fame. When should you shut the fuck up?”
You may want to reserve an auditorium for that lecture. And maybe for multiple days.
So what I'm gathering from reading this thread is that you all hate fun. There's nothing wrong with fun for fun's sake.
How does a homeschooler sound? Is it different than a 14 year old who attends school regularly? Does it matter if that school is public or private? I bet it matters.
Metz is the choice, no doubt. But I'm currently sitting here listening to Downtown Boys and...damn, this is awesome.
Problem is, someone who would say this would likely take a perverse pleasure in having it known they said it.
Can someone pass the mind bleach? I preferred not knowing someone in this world would say this. I hate people so much.
Agreed that a couple bangers would have helped The Barter, but hearing Thug slow himself down to mesh with the beats here really showed me something. He's not a one trick pony, and may even be able to merge his Wayne influences and the Drake inspired stuff that's about to dominate into a cohesive whole.
Try looking up Pupppy. The extra p is for not Puppy.
Since he decided he wants to be a WWE wrestler:
/Raises hand with fingers crossed they'll actually show
Those fingernails make her look like a James Bond villainess.
To be fair, it's almost certainly the attorneys driving this particular motion. It's a common motion in jury trials in order to preserve issues for appeal. They know the defense is going to appeal (and will likely get the monetary award slashed greatly), so by preserving these issues for appeal they maintain leverage in settlement discussions that will occur during the appeal. So while Gaye's heirs are shameless, I can't hold this motion against them.
About time T.I. is held responsible for his obvious theft of Marvin Gaye's artistry. I mean, it has gotten to the point that every time I hear "Inner City Blues (Makes Me Wanna Holler)" I have to remind myself it's not actually T.I.
"Drake’s album shits on this." The words haven't been invented yet to adequately explain how wrong I find this opinion.
This thing is so dense with ideas, I'm trying to figure out how many listens it's going to take before I have any coherent things to say about it. It will be many. Until then, all I can say: "RRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!"
Hearing boy Kurt introduce himself is so weird.
"Optimistic". My realm for an artist who agrees with me on "Optimistic"!
You're right. Institutionalized racism is seriously unimportant.
That's very kind of you, thanks. I hope he does blow up because even when he wasn't exactly responsive, you could see his excitement and love for what he's doing. Just a genuine guy thrilled to be making it in what he's always dreamed of doing.
Oh, Liam. Even when it comes to trashing someone else, Noel's writing is better.
I assume it's in moderation because of the link, but I posted it and it hasn't shown up. If it doesn't show after awhile I'll try again.
Not sure if it's kosher, so if the Stereogum folks want to delete, please do. Also, please be kind to my interview 'skills':
I interviewed Allan Kingdom last spring. The press he's about to get couldn't happen to a better guy. That Kanye guy is pretty good too.
Oh Weezy...I'm a mid thirties white guy in Minnesota. It's *not* a good sign when I know what a slang term means before you.
This is going to be the Valentine's Day ever.
Wait...this might actually be good? Hell. Yes.
True, but the fact their appearance fee is in range for a tattoo convention in Amarillo doesn't make me feel any better.
Ghost and Rae have been reduced to playing tattoo conventions in Amarillo? Sigh.
I'm torn on whether I can't wait to read this or I'm dreading reading it. It sounds like it was a bit cathartic to write the marriage/divorce portions of the book, but as a reader it sure sounds painful to be privy to her thoughts throughout those times.
Aren't you clever pointing out a few songs that have a guest vocalist! Because clearly each of those tracks gave the guest the lead...wait, no they didn't. As for Watch the Throne, not a Kanye album. Thanks for playing, I'm an internet smart ass, though!
Well that sounds absolutely nothing like anything I would have guessed. I enjoy it. Not sure how much yet, though. If it's on anyone's album it has to be Rihanna. I just can't see Kanye giving someone a vocal feature that massive on his album.