
I'll only believe it if Vince Neil says it.
Glad you spent so much time on "Death". That song is an absolute monster. Every time I hear it it makes me want to do nothing more in the world than start the album again so I can build back to it. Again and again. And again. And how about again?
Hmmm...good question: Kanye West - David Bowie - Radiohead Three artists who don't come to Minnesota for one reason or another, but I *need* to see.
I'm guessing California X.
That's pretty much how we got ours. Although it was local so it was a "if you can get it out of here you can have it" situation. It is a shame, though.
That's true, but that's the price for a grand. You can get yourself a new upright for just a couple thousand. Still not cheap, but much more workable.
But if they didn't "blatantly nick" from Bikini Kill, which Chris and Tom are claiming (I haven't heard the album enough to have an opinion), then it is a lazy and sexist comparison. So, whether or not they lifted from BK actually is the central point.
Yep. Pretentious? Maybe (so are loooooots of other artists), but I have seen absolutely no evidence she's disingenuous, and I'd like to have that claim explained to me.
That top ten...holy balls. If all of those are actually released it will be an amazing year.
That'll do, D'Angelo. That'll do.
No kidding. Simply providing updates on the recording process and not beefing with anyone? What's the point?
It feels like cheating to have the same #1, but that's the way it is: RTJ - RTJ2.
Sadly the whole incident was unnecessary. There was no need to argue.
Very disappointed in the lack of "with her head, with her he-e-e-ad" in this article.
Sour Patch Kids are not delicious. They are terrible.
Is it wrong that I'm more excited for Meow the Jewels than RTJ2? It's wrong...isn't it.
Valentine's Day with Sleater-Kinney? Sorry honey, I've got a date with three awesome ladies.
I'm pretty sure she actually says "I have won my way", but it is kind of difficult to tell from the video.
Magic. Pure magic. I can't put into words how amazing Saturday night was.
So if I'm understanding the song correctly (and I think I am), he kisses her on the neck happen, which requires he be placed into suspended animation for 45 years. I guess you really can't underestimate the power of a kiss on the neck.
Second video is PSY. While I'd like to hear his views on grunge fashion, he doesn't appear to discuss it.
He asks the guy next to him where he's from like he doesn't know him. How amazeballs would it be to get on a ride and be randomly sitting next to a barking DMX?
Sharing the burger is even more heinous. That's my tasty hamburger, I'm not sharing it with someone who eats poop.
Actually Tom, if your friend keeps helping put out music like this, you'll have to stop with the disclaimer lest it become a humblebrag. Dang this is good.
It looks like he thinks a single capital adds Emphasis and all caps adds EMPHASIS.
It really does wreck a lot of debut LPs when they're made up mostly of previously released material. Here's my question about the cover. Is that actually her in makeup or is it some sort of mannequin head? At first glance I thought it was the later, but now am moving the other direction. If it is
Oh, man. Saw them a couple times back in the day. Definitely need to make it 3 over all.
While I agree it would be nice to focus on the music, the belief (which I've seen all over) that this isn't an obviously, if probably unintentional, racist costume demonstrates just how little knowledge of history we have as a culture. A simple GIS for "nazi jewish propaganda" demonstrates why people are upset. Intentional or not, he looks *exactly* like the depictions of Jewish people in those posters. That's not okay.
Wow. Clipse is definitely not reuniting. Glad to hear the statement they're still close as brothers, though. If that's true, more power to both No Malice and Pusha T.
What a beautifully sad tune. Between this and "Palace" it sounds like this will be the perfect album to play on rainy days.
Strongly considering it. Also trying to figure out if there's a way I can use it while making my objections to his (and not the rest of the band's) actions. Not sure there is though.
I've been seeing this stuff leak out over the last few days and getting progressively more depressed by the situation. I have a ticket to see the Lips in July, and don't know if I can go. On the one hand, this is awful (obviously only if it's true, but there is so much smoke here...), on the other I already paid for the ticket. At this point a boycott is pointless. Sigh.