
in Boston? Ha! Baseball joke! #sportsgum
What? You mean to say that Japandroids aren't actually from Japan??? What a scam...
Excited for this release, but seriously, is 2012 the Year of Awful Album Art?
I like spotify like everything else.... in moderation. I use it at work and it's a great way to check out new artists.
I hate you, too. Don't do it again.
King George can go to hell. I'm still blowing stuff up in my backyard because I'm free.
Cassette tapes are seriously awesome. They remind me of my childhood so much. It's like coming home. And there's so much good new (and old) music to enjoy and re-enjoy on cassette. Love it. ...And also, the pencil thing.
I love it when an artist comes out with a stance that doesn't make me feel guilty about downloading music! Hooray!
Seriously, shut up, dude.
Fozzie is totally high in that clip. It's great. "Does this car have a stove?"
"But I have this leg that kicks." - Kermit Also gold.
"David Byrne on Bob Costas put it pretty well, but I put it better: I still run the show. Don't you forget it. Though I had to let some go, don't think I don't regret it. 'Cause I do and I don't think I'm better off alone. Man, we could have made a big sound, but I like to let my good friends down." - David Bazan
The Antlers have got it going on. I feel like they're at a point where they know exactly what they want to do with the sounds they're making. And they execute it very well. Hats off!
All of a sudden I feel like going to Chuck E Cheese.... who's with me?
"Yes. I'm really Steve-Tom Hiddlestonberry. Pleasure to meet you." - In a super smooth London accent.
Oh, I am so excited for Jurassic Park 4! I'm gonna pee my pants! (just like I did in the movie theater for the first one because I had no time to go to the bathroom because I was nine years old and because there were dinosaurs on the freakin' movie screen!!! gaaahhh!!!)
M.I.A. is the coolest. 'Tis all I gots t' say.
Spectacular. Fallon and the Roots look like they have a blast every single night, and this was no exception!
Camera Guy - "Hey Alec, can you do your best Elaine Benes impersonation?" Alec - "Get Out!" (shove)
mmmm I think I understand... What kind of pictures did it take? Polaroids, I assume?
Yearbook? What the hell is a "yearbook" anyway?
I'm not sure it counts as an "artist like this", but I've got two friends who are part of a band that tours nationally every year (I'm not going to name-drop in an effort to be cool, because I'm not), and they simply work the overnight shift stocking shelves at a grocery store. They let their manager know in advance what weeks they will be out of town, etc. And they rarely go out to eat or do anything that costs money. They save as much $$$ as the possibly can for the next tour and to fund the next album and that is that. Not very glamourous, but it gets the job done!
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."
This is a good article (for lack of a better term). Do more things like this!
Sportsgum!! Woo! La Liga is a lot of fun to watch, even tough you know who's going to win before the season even starts, but the competition is great. I also love the EPL and English Championship. Those fans are crazy cool. Also, don't overlook the German Bundesliga. Another league that seems to be dominated by one or two teams, but the competition is intense. (plus, a lot of the stadiums serve free beer!)
This is good. I'm excited to see them live here in KC in a few weeks. Yippee!
I drove over my freshly-dried, yet wrinkled work shirt with a steamroller. I call that ironing.
You should read the article, Robert. It's not the end of the world. In fact, I think the last paragraph was written especially for you. Also, who's to say Usher isn't "alternative"? I never listen to the guy, so he would be an alternative to my normal listening habits. So... yeah. Opinions! We have them!
Become friends with Biff Tannen in 1955.
These movies didn't get gobbled up during that competitive eating contest? What was it called? The Hungry Hippo Games? Something like that...
...this is just a weird comment... I... don't know what to do....
It'll probably be good! Unfortunately, too many people won't give the album a chance, just because they don't like what he said about Radiohead.
Calm down, everyone. I'm pretty sure this feature is not meant to say "Hey, this is the absolute best album that's coming out this week!" Rather, it's more like "Hey, this album is coming out this week, and here's some of our thoughts about it." And, not matter how you "feel" about this album and/or artist, here we all are talking about it. So, there you have it. Life...uh...finds a way.
My favorite moves are The Godfather and Scarface!
Snow cone? I like cherry! Or grape... They're both favorites... but cherry is a little bit more favorite. but they're both good. Yeah, they're both good!