
Good for Tom Gabel/Laura Jane Grace. I hope everything goes well and that AM's fan base is supportive.
"I guess this makes Grimes our Janis Joplin, which seems pretty OK to me." Is it OK, Tom Breihan? Are you sure? :-/
Oh Katherine Chloe Calhoon, I miss you.
See, I actually liked her in All The Real Girls. And then after that I hated her. She wasn't annoying as shit in that movie.
Was this commercial made in 2012? Or is it 1995 in Anderson, SC? This is like, some County Seat / DEB / Rave shit. I hope Jason's party isn't on a Friday night because I don't want to miss Boy Meets World, Step By Step, and Hangin' with Mr. Cooper on TGIF.
I made it through a minute of this yuck.
No Wesley Willis? No LFO? How is Drowning Pool headlining over T Rex, Led Zeppelin, and Jimi Hendrix? Gawd, Coachella...
I know people like these girls. They graduated and expect to get some brilliant job right away and when they realize that getting a great job isn't that easy and they pout about it. Some of the people I know have this "idea" that they want some fabulous job that allows them to travel tons and have a nice apartment and give them all these perks. Those jobs exist, but it takes a lot of hard work to get to that point, and some people just don't get that. Another reason I hate this show is because like, it's all about money. How someone survives to live in New York is their own business, money is so personal. I live in New York and I am in my mid-to-late twenties and I don't ask my friends how much they make or where their money comes from. That being said, I moved out of my parents house when I was a senior in high school and have had some pretty shitty jobs because, that's sometimes what you have to do to pay your rent and pay your bills. Now I have one job and it's exactly what I want to be doing, but it took a lot of hard work and over ten years to get it.
I'd be more interested in reading Gabe's review of this show. I hated all the characters on this show. I'm not much older than them and like, ugh. I could go on and on about it but it would just make me more irritated. They are the worst.
I mean, it's sad that the dude is gone. He was talented. But apparently when "it" showed up people kind of gasped and were horrified (duh.) That being said, I'm sure a lot of the "gasps" came from a bunch of face painted, head-dress wearing idiots who had consumed nothing but Heineken and molly for three days and didn't know why they were looking at a rapper who has been dead-but-rumored-to-be-alive for sixteen years.
Some asshole has had to of made a Tumblr of these by now... I mean it's been less than 24 hours. Get with it, Internet.
I hope Tupac is just at everything, from now on.
Yeah, I need a better camera on my phone and second set of eyes, because I see so much hilarious shit when I am driving. I wanted to take a picture of the gouchy Liberty Tax guy and the car I saw on 95 that was bright yellow with a DEEZ NUTZ decal on the back window and in window paint, "JUST MARRIED" on the side windows and back window. Like, WHAT? Someone married the DEEZ NUTZ guy? Anyway, if it weren't for car accidents, there would be photos of all of these things.
The Liberty Tax guy by my house just wears the Lady Liberty robe and crown, no mask, and a Kansas City Royals baseball hat under the crown, and he's a 250 pound black dude and he always looks so bummed out. Also, recently he's been holding a sign that says "APRIL 15: GIT R DONE". Poor guy.
This kid's 12th birthday is going to be a Longerberger Basket Party.
I CAN'T with the Scatman John...
What about French Bulldog vs. Door Stopper????!
If it makes you feel better, I live in Baltimore.
Yeah, but you live in LA. Barf.
I really hate Natalie Portman. Unfortunately, I will probably still see Black Swan because I like Darren Aronofsky, Vincent Cassel, and Mila Kunis, and it looks good.
Why the fuck do tourists go to the movies while they're in NYC? They have movie theaters in their towns. Shouldn't they be at FAO Schwartz or the Olive Garden in Times Square or outside Total Request Live? (that's still a thing, right?)
Someone please make a gif of the "I love paninis!" girl.
Sequins make me pretty happy. This makes me happier though...
Me: Can we talk about BRIDALPLASTY? My Friend: I don't know what was worse: modern entertainment, or people watching lions kill people in ancient Rome for fun. Me: Modern entertainment is your answer: Kim Kardashian demo with The Dream (
Wait wait wait wait, the second video... OktoberFest = MANFEST. So she doesn't drink and puts herself in the same category as Jennifer Lopez (crazy bitch), Blake Livey (I have no problem with her really), and Jennifer Love Hewitt (the girl who's dated every douche under the sun (John Mayer, Carson Daly, Eric Matthews from BMW, dude from LFO (rip) and also dressed up like Audrey Hepburn on her 30th birthday and stood outside of Tiffanys... There we go.) THEN: She says that when men find out you don't drink, that they're eager to give you beer (DUH) but that you can politely thank them and then REGIFT those beers to other dudes. WHAT?
Yeah, like three of my mom's friends also married British Royal Navy/Greek Navy dudes because she and her ho-bag friends went to the harbor to troll for skank.
I'd also like to add, that my dad is from "Europe" and my mom met him during FLEET WEEK. They're divorced now, and I can't remember what year they got married, but I know I was either on my way or in action.
I see a lot of botox, Pomeranians, being married to a gay dude, chardonnay, and quaaludes in this girl's future...
"I think I found a new ring tone." - My coworker / Your boyfriend
He should be holding a football.
Wait, there's a videogum chat? haha
In 4th grade at summer camp I learned how to sign "That's What Friends Are For" by Dionnne Warwick. Real talk.