
Jmf74, this one's for you!
I think this is better understood not as a song per se, but as a commercial for Grimes. The futuristic anime, swords and synths vibe is 100% Grimes. Think of it as a vehicle for branding -- this video is very on brand for Grimes. Maybe her avenue to get more Q-Rating in the teenage gamer market (along with the Rocket League cross-marketing).
That would be a cool entry -- comments that are universal (and universally trite I'm sure).
Oh yeah! One time a local college DJ was playing a set I was listening to on my morning train ride to work and it just about brought me to tears. I immediately donated to the radio station when I got to work.
Same here mt58, and I share your feelings about music. I just don't think there are enough of us to propel a song to #1, so the "likers" have their way and we music lovera join awesome communities and commiserate about the greats, chart-toppers or not.
I think I'd skew more toward Barney Miller or Night Court... or Moonlighting.
Lol! The comments are as forgettable as the song.
Big Papi, how does it feel to finally crack into the HoF?
Kitchens of Distinction! I was not super familiar with them, but someone put "Drive That Fast" on a mixtape and I love that song.
1. Survivor 8 2. John Cougar (Mellencamp) 8 3. PM Dawn 9 4. Fleetwood Mac 8 5. Patty Smyth 9 6. Toto 8 7. Commodores 7 8. TLC 9 9. The Motels 8 10. Marty Robbins 6 By far the toughest choice, with 3 of the 4 best songs on all 4 lists parked at #10 80's with a big win this week.
7 7 10 5 No one can touch The Spinners in today's poll (or in general).
My partial quote of the column: You are a brooding mannequin named Jamie Walters
Yeah I think I made the same point about Chrstopher Cross about a virtual decade back... Number Ones often appeal to music likers more than music lovers. A lot of casual appreciation from randos who get caught with a hook or a vibe.
Point taken. Maybe what I mean is that fighting misinformation may mean something different than getting into comment section wars with true believers. Someone on the fence or out of the loop on the facts may not understand the science but will perceive Joe Rogan and his followers as being "bullied". This plays right into their narrative of being "stifled" or "censored". Make a passionate case for the facts, but leave out the personal attacks on him. I find him odious, but if I call him odious in a public forum, I'm not changing any minds and may be cementing the adoration of his followers. I guess that's what I was thinking when I said we should ignore the guy.
The Hoe Rogan hate is well-deserved, but him being a controversy monster, it's more money in the bank for his misinforming ass. He thrives on and profits from the attention, good or bad. (Not unlike many polarizing figures these days.) The smart move is to assiduously ignore him, render him irrelevant.
Lonnie, you can say "Fuck" here, you won't get sent to the corner. No need for obscure spelling. Also, you called Neil Young a "washed up bag of bones" then immediately called for him to spend his days "in peace rather than in hate." Talk about whiplash, bro!
Meaning... you are using a fictional character to validate the "science"... sounds legit.
I saw this and thought NAMBLA was a fake thing invented by Mr. Show... I was shocked to learn it was a real thing at some point anyway. 😳
10 10 10 6... the first three are stone cold!
I'm with you both... "Everybody Hurts" was too overplayed and whiny. But Automatic for the People is still one of the best albums of all time on the strength of "Nightswimming", "Find the River", "The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite" and my favorite, "Try Not to Breathe"
NAMBLA... We're Not Killers!
I guess this leaves the Archers of Loaf as the reigning avatars of Loaf.
I thought the thesis of that movie was the superiority of "Sussudio" over "In the Air Tonight"...
Trying to intentionally angle for SUD infamy is so... masturbatory.
I'll upvote you to try to keep your vote total at zero. Any helpers out there?
Oh yeah, Matthew Sweet is a pop genius. Don't know why he didn't live in the Top 10 for years...
I'm with you on this one thegue. "Achy Breaky" is pure shit. I couldn't escape it in 1992, however much I tried (living in country music hell). I won't post it here because it's highly inappropriate and offensive, but I generally agreed at the time with Bill Hicks' tv show concept of "Let's Hunt and Kill Billy Ray Cyrus." I will say his contribution to "Old Town Road" did somewhat counteract his damnable sin of "Achy Breaky Heart".
Oh yeah, "In Liverpool" is the secret gem if that album, though "Blood Makes Noise" was also great as the lead single. Suzanne Vega had fallen out of both the mainstream and alternative mainstream by then, but she kept making engaging music.
Maybe Trombone Shorty if you squint your eyes... or if you REALLY stretch your definition, you could give the nod to Norah Jones. But yeah, for people who care about jazz, the first appearance of an actual jazz artist is on line 5. Sad.
Oh man... how often is the soundtrack a classic but the film is a total dud? That's the story of Judgement Night, the most amazing soundtrack to the most forgettable movie.
Heck yeah, everybody thinks of "Baby Got Back" as Sir Mix-a-Lot's one hit wonder, but "Posse on Broadway" is his true banger.
Annie Lennox = the best Scottish singer of all time. Anybody care to make a case otherwise?
Would we have Lizzo in a world without "Baby Got Back"? Yeah, probably so, but my man Mix-a-Lot paved the way for body positivity in a big way. I give it a 10 for intent and a 10 for being one of the most quotable and fun songs of all time, but it was SO ubiquitous in 1992, the overexposure might pull it down to a 9 for me overall.
PJ Harvey... now you're speaking my language ozcorp! She's such a thunderbolt of feminist energy, she has indeed, as you say, devoured me. I'd say her run of albums from Dry to Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea is about as good an album run as any artist has put together. Starts off with pure ferocity, and while never losing it, she brought in ache, vulnerability and even joy. I can't talk about PJ Harvey without mentioning her raw, assertive sex appeal. Wow man! She leaves me weak in the knees...
Lol, I thought you were just being very precise... to the tenth of a cent.
Yeah, I also recall this being one of the most mainstream examples of ridiculing white people in a way most white people could get on board with. Reminds me of this Homer Simpson moment: