
I know I am going to blow my street cred here (huh?), but this upsets me! She did so many funny voices, and I for one love funny voices. And she wore mustaches! So funny guys, right?! Mustaches! LOL!
Congrats (is that the right word?) on getting farther into the song than me, THAT IS A GEM.
She's on a toilet...can we just take a second and....she's on a toilet? Of course she's on a toilet.
As a 75 year old woman, I don't know how to work the wikipedia. However, someone put reoccuring and not recurring and oops I know I'm pulling a Winwood, but this is the wikipedia and very important and it should be right and it is TOPHER (ugh so cute).
Ice, Ice Baby! It was so awful. I felt like Mr. Schue was my dad telling embarrassing childhood stories of me and then also calling my friends 'dawgs'. STOP IT, DAD! YOU'RE EMBARRASSING. Finn's walk during Rachel's totally lolz music video made up for it though. Gabe, you forgot to call him an ape. He was so apey! Like definitely the most apey I have seen him, especially when they kept cutting back to Puck and Jesse's completely normal walks. Also: Brittany <3
I nominate Yes Man for the WMOAT. It is awful. Awful in the way that The Invention of Lying is awful, because it thinks that it's a great idea and message when in reality it's total crap and a waste of $9.50 and a couple hours. Also, isn't it loosely based on (exactly like) that one movie, Liar Liar, also starring Jim Carrey? Because I definitely think that it is, except worse. ZOOEY AND RHYS COULDN'T EVEN SAVE IT, C'MON.
They better push that release date to 2011 or it will never be played. 2012!
Can we be friends now? That's how peer pressure works right?
I won't ignore it because it was GREAT. And because you're right, Videogum parties don't stop and that's why I'll see you at Videogum's 4th birthday (earlier, I forgot I just had a birthday. This is awkward.), because that party on Thursday is still going on now, right? And it will be for two more years? Because they don't stop? Perfect.
My first videogum comment! Hey guys, hello. I'd just like to say hi. (I'm so bad at introductions!!) I'd also just like to thank all of you guys for being so awesome this week and making me want to put this username I registered to secretly upvote you all to use! Because this week I was stalking as usual and then decided "Hey! They look like they're having TOO MUCH FUN, and I want to be part of it!" I just hope all you awesome people are still here for Videogum's 5th birthday when I'm allowed to sit at the adult table, this fold up chair is uncomfortable and NO MOM, I don't need you to cut my meat anymore.