
This movie trailer cured me of my atheism, my transvestitism, and my heroin-addiction.
None of these buffoons is interested in evidence or reasoning. Even Chopra was hedging his appeals to science with the (ubiquitous among douchebag pretend-intellectuals) "in my opinion" -- as if the laws of physics are true merely in the opinion of Deepak Chopra. What's the point of having a debate when none of the parties will be swayed by reasoning and argumentation (other than to amplify the smugness and self-satisfaction of participants and audience members, of course)?
This movie will be either a total disaster or a total disaster.
"Salo: The 120 Days of Sodom" -- but only to be seen right before you die because seeing it will probably kill you.
Damn it, I was all rushing to post "I Know What You Did Last Shitty Movie."
Watched it, liked it. The guy's a douche but some of what he was telling "the girls" was common-sense. Even a broken cock is right twice a day, ha.
No no no, Girl with Curious Hair is right. They should have nixed the cut-offs and disco and simply done what we can all agree, without controversy, that real gay men actually do: blow each other. THAT would he a real show of solidarity. Also I would have watched the video more than once.
Where are Kate and Sawyer and Locke? I'm confused.
I was hoping Herc's Dharma Partner would make Hurley cry by riffing on how fat he is.
Please, Jesus, let Steven Ward cast the next season of "Bromance."
What brand of costume panda-head is this a commercial for?
Anna, "1963" was a joke. I know this thread is pretty much dead but what the hell. I saw this at the theater (!) in the year of its release (!) because a friend of a friend, who was like 15 years older than me and my friends (like, he was probably watching college cable in 1963) had seen it and was so moved by it that he INSISTED that my friend and all of her friends (e.g., me) go see it. And so we did and it was terrible. But there was one period of like four minutes when Powder was not on the screen anywhere and my friend Penny says "Where is he?" and I say "He went to the powder room." Getting to tell that joke was the very very best thing about going to see this frigging movie.
I feel like I have stepped through a mirror into a parallel universe in which my fellow Stereogum posters don't know what the hell they are talking about. SS is a comedy genius. I wish she were my mother. On the other hand, Demetri Martin's show is awful, and I say that as a big DM fan who was really looking forward to that show and sat through the first episode trying to find even one thing to laugh at and came up completely empty. So disappointing. In fact it made my mad, that show, because it was so unfunny. Physicists postulate that DM's show contains anti-humor, a substance that no one can directly observe but the existence of which explains why some comedies make viewers so angry. (That was a lame joke and it was still funnier than anything on DM's show.)
I now regret having recommended "Teen Witch" since it really has no A or B (or even C) listers in it, so it doesn't meet the criteria (Robyn Lively being the sister of a B-lister doesn't count, I now realize). But oh my god "Face-Off" is a fantastic movie!! What movie with Nicolas Cage would not be made immeasurably better by him taking his FACE OFF. (But not all the skin around his entire skull, because that = "Ghost Rider", so evidently there are limits to how much of his head-skin Nicolas Cage needs to take off.)
The two things that I learned while watching "Top Chef" this season are (1) if I am ever on a reality competition show, I should not give my friends and myself a douchey team name ("Team Rainbow," "Team Europe") because, well, obviously; and (2) you can say "twat" on Bravo and no one will censor it. That last item puts the first season of "Real Housewives of Atlanta" into a whole new perspective for me. I had just assumed that all the "twats" had been edited out of that show. Go figure.
The Mr. F storyline was classic. Whenever any of my female friends do anything patently stupid now, someone will sing "Mr. F" in that breathy English voice.
If you watch "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" backwards, Brad and Jennifer are still married. (I know this is lame but I've been thinking about this all day and it's the best I can come up with. I think I suck at this game. Anybody want to play Scatergories?)
What does this have to do with "Lost"?
Well, my icemaker is kind of a dick, actually.
What really bothers me about "AI" is that there is not a single scene shot from the robot-boy's point of view, which is how director's typically clue the audience in on the fact that a character is sentient (or a serial killer, but it's sentience that's relevant in this case). Not knowing whether the robot-boy was actually conscious, I couldn't must any sympathy for him whatsoever. So what that he spends 2000 years at the bottom of the ocean? So what that he "misses" (i.e., robot-misses) his mommy? You might as well ask me to feel sympathy for my ice-maker when the water input malfunctions.
"Desperate Housewives"? Of course not. But everyone should start watching "DOOL", like, yesterday. Nicole is about to pass-off Sami's latest baby-with-EJ as her own baby-with-EJ and (OMG!) EJ is going to fall for it because he is not as evil and smart as he used to be (and you can tell because they stopped dying his hair black).
One of the smartest statements I've ever read about television (outside of Videogum, of course) was in an article from Esquire (I think -- maybe GQ) (don't make fun of me) that reviewed the debut episodes of both "FNL" and "Heroes," both NBC shows that debuted about the same time. The statement was something like this: On the surface, FNL appears to be a show about football. But it's really a show about human beings. "Heroes" is actually a show about football. FNL is up there with "The Sopranos." Seriously. One of the best dramas of all time. I command everyone who is reading this to start watching it immediately. Clear eyes, full hearts, CAN'T LOSE!!
Has anyone suggested "Teen Witch"? Then I shall: "Teen Witch" (1989) is very likely the worst movie ever about teenagers, and also the worst movie ever about witches. It is also very likely the worst musical of all time, and we all now that's saying something. Even if you disagree about how awful it is (and you won't), it might still be of interest because it stars Blake Lively's big sister, Robin. (Choose your scripts wisely, Blake.)
My favorite thing about this review is the phrase "impossibly retarded." It applies just as easily to that love scene as it does to any expression on Jerry O'Connell's face. I have to admit that I laughed a couple of times during that camel-farting scene, though. I'm an easy mark for fart-based humor. As for other suggestions: "Cobra," the 1986 Stallone vehicle. I saw this at the theater (I know) and fell asleep about midway through, and I wasn't even drunk.
Well said, ariel80s. Yes, the history of these two peoples is long and complex. But can any impartial person really believe that Israel would not lay down its arms and live in peace if Hamas were to do the same? Israel is consistently acting in self-defense. Hamas is consistently acting from a racist hatred of all Jews everywhere and the desire to destroy Israel -- a hatred and a desire that are widespread in the Muslim world. The only reason that anyone is even still alive in Gaza is that Israelis have a conscience--they don't want to kill any more non-combatants than necessary. If Hamas had access to the same weapons as Israel, they would use them to demolish every Jew they could find, women and children included.
Wow, I thought "Pooped the Bed" was one of the very best. But I'll agree with the Liberty Bell nay-sayers... that was definitely my least favorite of the season.
I completely agree about Gentleman Jesse. Really surprised by that album's absence. It was one of my five favorite albums of the year, and Pitchfork reviewed it very positively, too. Tons of great songs worthy of places on this list, with the standout probably being "Highland Crawler." (Happily I'm going to see Gentleman Jesse and his men play a Christmas show tomorrow night!)