
God, and I thought my old man was terrible. Well, he still is, but yours just in a different way. YIKES. And I concur with hotspur. Literally.
Well, I hope you all do. We can't all afford Lasik or want contacts on our eyeballs.
I give him kudos for thinking a smart, witty woman is pretty for once. I was beginning to think that it was always the Bimbo Hour at Showbiz Pizza Place.
I love all of your stories. They are truly great. :)
I think they were male prosties and young ones at that. But I was very young at the time of that horror. (And not male nor a prostie....)
Dude was so HOTTT.
I know it. It looks like it's in some war-torn country in Eastern Europe, AND an institution at the very same time.
I really want to see that movie, and I think I want to do so more now because you're not actually Betty White! WHAT IS IT WITH HER?
I KNOW. I can only imagine. (However, that IS where the whole ACTING thing comes in, am I right?). Besides, I've commented on Topher's lips before and it would be a shame if he didn't know how to use them!
Sometimes people in families just don't agree, Steve. But yur still my bra!
I'm sorry, Gabe, but I put the pony pic on my desktop. Your expression is priceless. I'm sure my boyfriend won't mind! lol
I also sign your petition. I have five nieces ranging in ages from 13 years to 6 months old. THIS video makes ME cry. Welcome back!
I'm Australian, mate!
And what, exactly, would be horrible about that, considering what good ole Mel would be teaching their poor daughter?
Yeah, me, too. Perhaps we have the same dad. :(
Mmmmmm...... super anal rape, my favorite flavor.
Donald Sutherland was the best drunk ever in that movie. YAY
That's okay, Chris, I change my avatars like I change my panties, so no offense taken at all. Such a cool drawing, though! YAY So cool! We'll miss you while you're gone.... I hope you aren't gone too long! ;)
Can you tell that to all of the dopes in WI! GAH! I hate baseball caps!
Those knives are a little too close to that baby and I hope that isn't a working stove! Plus that pot is really tall and looks like it could tip over at any minute!!!! Can't you tell I'm a mom? UGH
Well, send me to Europe, folks, cuz I just made y'all some TV dinners! YAY
Just as long as it's not a crotchload of friends because that's just weird. But yeah, let's be friends! LOL
I'm totally the brunette, freaking out wildly and not really knowing why! I LOVE RINGO! lol
Me, too. Sincerely, so! When I was pregnant with my son, I would take my mom's dogs for a walk around the block everyday so I would stay in shape for delivery (LOL). One was a springer spaniel and the other was a cairn terrier. Anyway, one day was a little hotter than normal (my baby was born in August), and the cairn starting huffing and weezing, and I totally freaked out! I didn't want him to die on me, so I hefted him over my swelling belly, and slowly walked him home. I was scared for me, the baby, and my mom's little dog! But the best part of this story is that everybody was okay.... and the cairn terrier totally watched over me during morning sickness. I would lay on my mom's couch and he would just walk into the room, assess the situation and walk out again. lol He was like my own little butler!
I would be so lucky. I have to catch up on all of my TV on Vgum. :(
It's mad gorgeous once you remove all the dirty socks and underwear off of the top of it. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply that Gabe actually wears underwear. ;)
OMG I got it right away, The One. I guess my mind is always inside the gutter underneath a trash heap. SIGH
Exactly. And then there is the fact that the people up north and even out east aren't used to super high temperatures. In WI we NEVER get used to the humidity or the mosquitos. Do you think Topher Grace does?
Let's just say I wasn't expecting it on a Topher Grace post, but I guess now I should. And you keep hydrated, Gabe! I hadn't heard about your heat wave out there!
OMG, Steve! That was the best! And by the best, I mean, the best!!!!