
This was a thousand times more depressing than it was at all enjoyable. courtesy of someone else who took this picture. Am i the only one who's seeing the NeptuneSociety ad for cremation at the bottom of this page?watupwidat Oh and Gabe just threw a mention to Forensics. Thumbs up!
That kid is totally getting laid now.
Dr. Blake Downs!
I have to somewhat agree with you douche juice. Everything Jenny Slate does is not exactly awesome. Case in point: SNL. In watching just half of the stuff Jenny Slate does online (primarily thanks to the free publicity she gets on videogum), she has run lapse around the stuff they had her doing on SNL. Nobody really gives a shit about her Hoda Kotb impersonation. Who the hell is Hoda Kotb anyway? I think Jenny slate already got out of SNL what everyone on there wants to get: Facial recognition. Now if she shows up again on Bored to Death, I'll think "Oh hey! there's Hoda Kotb!"
I must say, The League is quite impressive, even to someone who isn't a diehard football fan. However, to put them in the same category as NBC thursday is doing it an injustice. knowwhatimean? Specifically, the league, 30rock, and community are all amazing standouts in their own respect. I'm tempted to shiva-blast your name, mr.hee haw.
=( oh no. I'm not doing it right. Can someone teach this inexperienced buffoon how to post multimedia on their replies?
These are the tools I would require for such an endeavor.
I'd give my left eye ball to bone Kristen Schaal while eating hot wings.