
the mind is so complex when you're based... 32 levels...
disgusting and i hope they rot
bizarre that this is coming out under the gbv name but i will never say no to more music from mr. pollard
I miss them. Widow City is my favorite Wow only 9 grand what a deal
kool ad seems like a big lil b fan, which makes me like kool ad a lot
I missed lil b I hope we get a lot of new based art soon Ps fuck the weeknd ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i can't wait is one of my favorite songs of all time. this cover is lame but not entirely terrible.
haha holy shit i still have that daughters CD i did not realize this
best stereogum post ever Torgos theme still gets stuck in my head sometimes out of nowhere
unsurprisingly great, thank you based pepsi
album is amazing i don't care if you write about it 10 times a week for eternity
the whole album is amazing I'm so fucking glad it exists
wow this is bringing me back, forgot all about them i still play no p or d once in a while
this is so fucking bizarre, i love it
live it out is their best album
"Jack: Should movies be free too? How about food?" yes
amazing article. john darnielle remains a national treasure.
what the fuck genre is this, "ominous tones"?
loved the chip stuff, this is a good progression tho. crying are a great band
Kero Kero Bonito – “Picture This” is song of the week maybe year
damn cant believe sophia grace got dj mustard to produce that track
1. Lil B - hoop life 2. Lil B - ultimate bitch 3. Lil B - basedworld paradise
the best Drag Queen award
damn i like this even more than the original (>'-')> <('-'<) ^(' - ')^ <('-''-')>
sounds awesome i want this album right now
"holy shit! world peace! ALLLLRIIIIGHT!"
they put out a cassette with the songs from the tour. here's "april ballad"