
Didn't he rub Marlon Brando's feet once? On the air, I mean. Or whatever.
I remember seeing a newscast last year on Dec. 18 where the newscaster cheerfully proclaimed that it was "exactly one week until the holidays", because, you know, "the holidays" = Christmas. Or maybe she thought that Hannukah, Kwaanza, etc. all fall on the same day or are just different names for Christmas.
So if you don't want your sons doing jobs like warehouse work, and you also don't want immigrants coming in to do them, who's left? *lights clove cigarette, flips through the Village Voice, sneers*
Also, what's wrong with working in a warehouse? It's good, honest physical labour and nothing to be ashamed of last time I checked. And they call the Democrats elitists?
Well, thank God that the idea of working 4 jobs 70 hours a week only exists in the bleak dystopian future and is not something that many people have been doing for a long time now. Pardon me while I go drink my fine wines and travel to distant countries like I do every Thursday.
"Pray up and pack up and get ready to go up" I'm not sure, but I think what ol' Arn is trying to say here is that all of Glenn Beck's fans need to pull themselves a Jonestown.
This may be because I am in Canada, but that link leads to a story about Chelsea Handler calling Angelina Jolie a cunt. Then again, I didn't watch the entire video clip, because Chelsea Handler.
I like it... the music has kind of a George Harrison vibe... if George were an aging, possibly insane ex-politico.
Everyone knows this deserves all the upvotes.
Did anyone actually make it all the way through?
I was wondering why Ricki Lake sounded like Boy George...
I'll... twirl around in one spot so as to distract the Queen? Just watch me!
The Toy, with Richard Pryor and Jackie Gleason? I think it mentions Christmas... it came out around Christmas, I know that much.
If only there were some sort of test that could be administered to this woman to determine the content of alcohol in her blood, if any... some sort of... breath... test... like a... breathanalyzer?
I like how the guy offered him $250 for the tractor, then got mad because he felt he was being ripped off. By his own offer.
I noticed the shrug there... "oh, fine, JEsus, we'll talk about him if you like... " that lovable ol' hippie doesn't seem to get brought up much these days. Ever notice that Old Testament God is much hotter with them Tea Party kids?
Great minds, great minds...
My favourite part is when she screams, "WHY CAN'T WE EVER JUST BE SATISFIED WITH TRANQUILITY!!!"
What a bitch. I'll definitely be rooting against her when she gets asked onto "Dancing With the Stars".
So I could sign in just to upvote it, obviously.
Or see if she weighs the same as a duck.
Exactly. There is NO WAY I'd vote for someone who I didn't think was smarter than me.
Is it fair to say that, if a politician has to begin an ad with the words "I'm not a witch", their campaign might be in a wee bit of trouble?
My favourite part was when she explained that the $5 could feed a family for a week and the narrator sarcastically intoned, "wow, she is making a difference!"
Dammit, I meant to upvote this and did the opposite. No wonder she left! Sorry :(
Speaking as a divorced man, is it wrong to say I kind of like this guy? Plus, look at all those books behind him!
So Fox News got the jump on a story about a naughty controversial movie that, um, Fox Studios is releasing? Way to go!
Someday a real rain will come and literally wash all this scum off the streets.
Didn't listen to the whole thing, but I liked "you care about YOURSELF!" How dare she, the selfish bitch!
I like how he shows us this complicated mathematical equation, then in the next second it's "oh, just buy a number shaker from the novelty store and put down whatever the hell you want."
I love how pissed off her friend looks at 0:39... "OK, here's your magical advice, white woman. Where's craft services?"
Whatever it is they're selling, I'll buy it.
Me neither, but I just imagined the bears were all like, "oop, got hit by a car, doop-dee-doooo... "
Oh great, this video just TURNED ME GAY! Thanks for nothin', precocious kid!