
He Knows You're A Lion.
Charlie Tuna's War
Angels and Dachsunds.
I'll do whatever I want! You don't gnow me!
Judging from that facial expression, which I believe lies somewhere between "don't tase me bro" and "why is your dick out", Glory Daze must be comedy gold.
On the bright side, Adrien Grenier has invented a new genre: punktry.
AKA 'Give Peace A Gun".
Ia!!! Squirrels ftaghn!!!
What the hell did Jake Gyllenhaal just do? It looks like he just blew up a factory that makes giant, stiff posters.
Q: Are We Not Squirrels? A: We Are Devo.
No, he is a Lovecraftian nightmare creature.
Or you could just post SHARK PICTURES!
I won't be satisfied until we get a national Weasel-Stomping Day.
- Said the guy who does nothing but sit in his dark room with no furniture and plays raquetball with himself.
Can I hazard an agreement with ya Steve? Avatar was a silly movie. My friends have also told me that I HAVE to see it in 3D cuz that makes it SOOO GOOD, but I take a drag on my pipe, readjust my monocle and tell them, "If a movie is only good because of the special effects, it's a CRAPPY MOVIE". Also, Avatar makes me sad forever because now we will never get a film version of Edgar Rice Burroughs' excellent, slightly racist, but mostly excellent, Barsoom chronicles. If you haven't read them, it's basically avatar with green people and red people.
Sorry dude! I should have scrolled down a little bit. Or traveled back in time.
Ahhh, Mondays and animal gifs.
I'm just gonna post this down here, because it seems that posts on my self indulgent thread above are receiving some serious downvotage. SO, in summary, I understand that the preceding posts were obnoxious and deserving of hate. Apologies fellow monsters, no offense meant, and none taken. I will take my lumps with my head held high.
Aww man, I just be playin'. That does sound like a dick comment does't it? Videogum, I humbly bow and beg forgiveness.
Good point, however, it won't stop me from abusing my "first" priveleges and squealing about it to the one other person on the planet that I know who follows videogum.
This book is ridiculous. Everyone knows that witches can't raise children like a good moral werewolves.
By the way, did anyone catch the Tim and Eric Chrimbus Special? That was pretty bangin'. And in celebration of the Chrimbus season, here's Dr. Steve Brule kicking some vampires. For your health.
Wow! I actually did it. I - I've finally become a man.
"I don't use my penis, but apparently you can do everything with it."
My God, I just had a cartoon flashback. I loved that frickin' song!
Does she hire hand models to do her hand modeling so she doesn't have to use her hands?
How the hell do you spell "refrigerator" anyway? Refrijimator? Mahfrigidor?
And they're pleased with themselves in that "hey mom stick THIS on the refrigerator" kind of way, which is the worst.
Well, looks like Gabe finally had that stroke. It's sad, but I mean, come on, it's been a long time coming.
How about a little less book reviewing and a little more shut the hell up?
Damn you typing! There should be a "know" in there somewhere.
You what's better than watermelons dancing? Nothing