
Ordinarily I would be as patient as a patient thing that's really patient, but Gwyneth Paltrow's cookbook was released today. Get on that ish, son.
Birdie's a no-go. What would happen during coverage of the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show? There's a *little* something called media impartiality, hmm?
I'll post my thoughts once I recover from my seizure.
Oh, Gabriel. I understand. I understand what you're doing. You're calling "Scarface" a terrible movie because you're trying to push me away, to make me hate you...I understand. You're scared. You've never felt a love this real, this intense before, and it frightens you. But what you don't get is that I love you, and I'm not going away just because you insist upon pissing on everything that is good in this world.
This is where I would put a screenshot of Clint Eastwood from "Gran Torino" if (a) I had one and (b) knew how to post photos here. Do you miss knowing joy in your life, Gabe?
I feel like DISliking a heavily-tattooed guy with a huge cock goes against my very nature, and yet THIS FUCKING GUY. Also, you just know that Gabe watches GMA while eating his Special K in the morning as Birdie sits in his lap. He watches primarily for the recipe segments, but he also appreciates the "Look Good for Less!" features.
Except he's a total "Israel is always right and if you disagree you hate Jews!" douche. Which hurts, because I appreciate and agree with his stance on most things, but then you get to his pro-Israeli-forces-storming-aid-ships-and-killing-peeps position and it's like, why you breakin' my heart, Weiner? (incidentally, "Why you breaking my heart, weiner?" will obvs be the title of my tell-all memoir)
I'm sure Werttrew's baby will be *BETTER THAN EZRAH* /hadtobedone
remember when a pre-Senate Fred Thompson replaced Booker? you guys, can someone please come calm me down from my "zOMG, Roseanne is finally getting some love" euphoria? I'm at work and this is unseemly.
YES, YES, A MILLION TIMES YES! Oh, how i miss the days of syndicated Roseanne being on at least three times a day. I cannot think of another show that has produced as many great one-liners and quotes. Also of note: Norm MacDonald was a writer on the show. Also also, ZOMGDOSN'FSOGIDHEFSHVFHLSH sorry, just stroked out for a second from a surfeit of Roseanne-related happy thoughts.
Oh, shit. I thought this commercial was about a couple engaged in some very intensive Star Wars-themed swinging with a midget. But that's just supposed to be their son? Lame. I'm DEFINITELY not buying that car now.
Oh, so you only begin a statement with "I definitely think..." when you're NOT stating an opinion? You so wacky!
Yeah, but that's straight up opinion (youth parlance again!) not a matter of vocalizing thoughts formed through one's experiences, and experiences to which one is privy because of one's sex. A woman saying, "Men are smarter than women" is not the same as a woman saying "Men have it easier in the legal profession than women"; surely you see the difference, because it's quarter past four on a Monday and i really don't want to have to be articulate.
I'm not saying he can't comment on it; as I state in my original post, he's in no position to speak to the *veracity* of the claim, nor is any man, even if they agree with it, simply because they can't know what it's like to be a woman in comedy, or indeed to be a woman in any profession. So sure, he can say "i think X is true and Y is incorrect" but, as the kids say, it ain't mean shit to me (that's how children talk, I'm sure of it)
Gonna play the vagina card and say that you can't comment on the veracity or applicability of this statement if you're not a woman, no more than a white dude can dispute the accuracy of a statement such as, "Racism is everywhere if you're a black man in America" etc. In other words, you know not of what you speak Gabe. You're a man in comedy and not subject to the same scrutiny, challenges and stereotypes as a woman in your field. You'd think the vagina card would be more fun, sorry.
If you agree to elect me as co-vice treasurer, I will tell you to Google and download "hotspot shield" BUT I WANT MY OWN STAMP.
Clip won't work here for copyright reasons...why doesn't Image Entertainment want Canada to know if their trailer uses the phrase, "leave the gun, take the Snausage"?
Hmm...had to go to the eye doctor AND there's a "personal" issue upon which he doesn't want to elaborate. Clearly, Gabe's eye is pregnant.
Also, as much as I adore Robert Duvall (greatest living actor, for realsies) we all know that the bartender from The Shining was the only way to go.
Downvote? But...but...she doesn't have an Anglo-Saxon name! She's asking for it!
I get always get noomi rapace at the Thai place near work.
Gabe, I consider myself a fan of yours and have been since your Corporate-Casual days through to your party-coverage days on Gawker. Read your stuff on 24/6 and now here on Videogum. I occasionally take issue with what you say and occasionally your tone irks me, especially when you refuse to concede any wrongdoing in re: posts that are in poor taste, etc. But sir, today, on this day, the 1st of February in the year of Our Lord 2011 you have outdone yourself by way of seven words: The Girl With the Beach Read Tattoo. As far as I am concerned, you are the best human to ever live.
"That and ponies. Definitely dream a lot about ponies."
god, even her vag has that self-satisfied smirk.
Five words: I ATE MY FATHER-PIG!
Well then Tompkins took it from the Simpsons, who took it from god knows who. I mean, I adore Tompkins and have followed him from his Mr. Show days, but it's hardly fair to credit that trope to him.
By which I mean, Gabe uses the upsetting news of a young person's death as an excuse to reference a months-old trope and dozens of commenters jump right on board, seemingly without questioning that they are mocking someone's death merely because the tone set by the post says it's okay to do so. Also, that sentence is a run-on, but you know what I mean. Not cool, guys.
I'm really pleased that putting down everything that isn't Haiti-related helps the Haitians. Oh no, wait, it doesn't.