
"I just watch it for the ads... to remind me how sick and FUCKED UP this so-called culture is." -Your girlfriend in the '90s
1. It's not clear that Iran "has nukes" yet. Iran probably does not have nukes. 2. Ahmedinejad is not the dictator, although he was "reelected" in a very suspicious set of circumstances. 3. The Supreme Leader, Ali Khameini, is the real power in Iran. 4. Crazy people can still understand mutually assured destruction. Other than that I agree with you!
I smell a feud! Who is this Happy Little Trees? Clown-hair Gallagher is MY Celebrity Doppelganger, not his/hers. Ain't ever changed it and never will.
Let's not forget Bobby Brown and the soundtrack to Ghostbusters II. "Too hot to handle, too cold to hold." This guy likes old movie raps! (LOVE THIS GUY)
Good to see Joe Strummer's not actually dead.
Wow. Nicki kills it. But that video was about 2 minutes too long. Mariah was pretty funny with her Kellz impression there, but overall she should have just sung a hook and let Minaj do her thing. The drumline at the end would have been cool if the track were shorter. Two thumbs up. Nick Cannon? More like Nick Canon the way he makes videos.
Pants on the ground, pants on the ground, lookin like a FOOL with your pants on the ground!
Vanilla Ice is a nickname, and nicknames are for friends, and (oh shit my dubbed VHS copy of Mr. Show is acting up again, hold on...)
Also Screech, JJ Walker, and Brigitte Nielson (SP, I hope). It's as if these celebrities have a lot of time of their hands.
Why yes that IS "Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart at 0:28. Todd Bridges, Robert Van Winkle, Ron Jeremy, etc. etc. My favorite character name is definitely "Raw Poot."
Sausage party in the USA! (To be fair, for a hardcore show the ratio's not too bad.)
Thread read FAIL. Carry on.
This guy was also the deadbeat brother on My So Called Life. Always with the Marshall Herskovitz series deadbeat brother characters, this guy.
I am a boy who is extremely small for my age. My brother and I are orphans - we were rescued from a life of dangerous foster homes and playing basketball by a rich man, who has taken us into his wonderful home through the goodness of his heart. We are black, and he is white. This is an issue we deal with on a weekly basis, but he's my dad and I love him. Also, I often can't understand what my brother is talking about - we have trouble communicating. Often times at school I am bullied, by a bigger boy known as the Gooch. Oh, one time I was nearly molested by a photographer. I am asking for some Christian guidance, please.
I kind of love "Iris." I wish I were in seventh grade when it came out. Listening to it on repeat at home, I would have plotted out a scene at a dance where I would ask the girl to dance just as its opening strums filled the cafeteria. She would have said yes, and then there would have been a nice montage of us holding hands later, in summertime. Finally, during the song's spazzy section, I'd get distracted and have to start the fantasy over on the next go-around. What to do with this awkward musical climax, I'd wonder?
That actually kinda makes sense to me.
I'm going to make people listen to this song in public at some point. (Disco 12" plz!) Thank you LT, A+++++ would slide again.
My favorite Wheel of Fortune clip, in which a real-life Beavis narrates FTW:
If we're rounding up the comedian interviews, the AV Club had a cramazing interview with my avatar last week. He ain't too bright.,36622/
He meant to say "she was surprised by the length and girth of my shock." Good to see Smoove B still puttin in work.
HEY-O! Maybe the real headliner is you! (I took this photo six years ago and today, at long last, it has an appropriate home on the internet.)
My regards to all of you monsters, and Gabe especially. Sadly I cannot make it tonight. Reference something hilarious from the Internet for me one time, party people.
Great Success! I also thought fishing bloopers made a strong case for itself late in the game.
You know what, I just reflexively assumed you were comparing me to the DJ. If you weren't, sorry about the flip response. That guy sounds like an asshole!
I agree with you about everything, except your characterization of the author's attitude. (As a guy I wouldn't say "shrill," either. "Mean"?) While it wasn't the most intelligent thing I've ever read (he addresses potential counterarguments by basically saying "don't worry, I thought of that one, and no. Wrong."), he's clearly NOT suggesting that it's somehow OK to hit women. But I do see where the commenters (and you, perhaps, but perhaps not) see that as the natural endpoint of his reasoning, kind of? I don't know. I need to not go to there anymore, and just figure out ways of smashing the patriarchy in my own way, every day, without reading Jezebel.
Wow, thanks for my daily dose of anger. That thread is a nightmare. The basic consensus of the commenters seems to be, "NO FUCKING DOYE all violence is wrong, but what kind of patriarchal asshole are you to want to discuss that on Jezebel when women are getting raped on every continent this very second!!1!!" There's a point to that. I understand the commenters' defensive reaction, too. (I don't go to and tell them they should be working toward ending male-on-female violence, cuz obvs they're all about curbing the opposite!) But JESUS, the level of anger for even bringing it up! And this little gem of a consensus (you really have to read the article for this one): "And why the fuck did you invalidate your friend's dumping of the nachos on that asshole guy's head by apologizing for her??!?!?" Seriously, I HOPE that's just straight-up obtuseness and they don't actually not understand why a feminist/feminist-advocate-type guy might do that.
Batman The Bad Genius Kiss Alexander, Kiss Willow, Bang Bang The Top Gun Forever starring Val Kilmer
Oh, they're all OLD HANDS at saying "I'm not a racist." (Usually it's followed by "but did you ever notice how")
There you go again, calling everyone who hates President Obama a RACIST!
They're playing the You Played the Race Card Card! It's a strong one and I haven't seen it played for several days.

"I gayce i'm rayceece!" = LOL x 101.

Also, yeah, it's saying 12% of people think opposition to health care is probably due to racism. (Jimmy Carter!) Take off a few points for Rasmussen's conservative bent, and we're talking about a hell of a strawman takedown. Do you know what kinds of crazy theories 12% of the population can have? Moon-landing deniers constitute a bigger bloc. 12% of Republicans won't run their sprinklers any more because of the rainbows that Al Gore put into the water supply!

I second that - I don't get it... but obviously it's a funny joke because of all the upvotes.
Regardless of whether erasing Big Worm from Friday and his unbelievable fictional sex partner from the poster constitutes "racism," that whole marketing campaign just reminded me of this famous picture from the Internet, writ large and also four times:
Thanks Gabe! This is the analog video FX explosion I needed to get me thru lyfe today. I saw Disorderlies when I was eight or nine, when the cool babysitter brought it over. First time I saw a woman's naked butt on video, maybe! Before that, "Fat Boys Are Back" was the first rap I ever heard on the radio! Yay Fat Boys, thank you for shaping my childhood so well!
Obviously CNN was catching too much heat from (I just learned about this website but it's my new favorite URL. RIP
Production costs for @party_boys TV would be like $100M an episode. But ad revenue would be roughly $100B.