
"Don't give up on your dreams, unless they're stupid." - Krispy Kreme.
That was a great comment. "Smell the Fart" acting. Genius. I guess method acting is when you become the fart?
You made a typo. It should say clownvote.
Did you know that Mulholland Dr. was meant as a television series as well (you probably did know, making this the lamest comment yet) . Turned into a pretty swell movie instead, but I wonder what people would have said about THAT on a network.
This could double as your Master's thesis at University of Virginia.
Whatever that special place in hell is like in terms of horror, utter agony and such, it probably doesn't come close to having to watch his TV-shows.
Snoot Loops.
4:11 a.m. - Matthew Fox Beats women. 10:05a.m. - Matthew Fox beats some more women.
Why are they her dragons? It's not like she gave birth to them. Get over yourself.
That's the Tony Soprano face right there.
It's not really over, right? Remember that one time we though Tara was dead, but then within two minutes of the next episode she came back to life? Basically that's the cliffhanger of every episode of True Blood so I'm sure you recall. This is just like that right? Next Monday Gabe will miraculously post another recap and we'll be all phew and stuff.
Paramount Pictures, celebrating 100 years of black women in film. Or like, 3 years of this one black woman in film.
Just a very elaborate David Lynch photobomb.
The DVD release will say the movie was "Reduced By Peter Berg."
My favorite shot was Draper walking away from the commercial shoot. Megan is having her wish come true and it's apparent that Don's like screw this noise. That colorful soundstage gets smaller and smaller as he walks across this dark expanse of a soundstage and off to no good. That's where the montage music picks up as well (and that's just one of the best intros to a song).
"Fatten them up, kill them off, and move them out." - Jerry Seinfeld.
Krispy Kreme tells us to follow our dreams and then I finally get a spot in the ball thanks to the worst modification of a picture the Internet has ever seen. Our small dreams do come true. Fuck NASA.
Ironically, you'll die neatly depressed.
More like Mark-Paul Backpedalaar.
Now that all the GREAT shows are over or almost over in the case of Mad Men, maybe you can check out Longmire that just started on A&E. The pilot is on their website and it was surprisingly good. I do recommend.
Stop singing about drugs, mow the damn lawn, and put on some real pants - I can see your pro-tools through those sweatpants.
The difference is that health experts tend to see these policies as good for public health and thereby obviously good for promoting health within lower income groups. What Jerry says with his joke is that he thinks it would be better if a certain group of people died off. The group of people who drink lots of sodas, generally speaking low income people.
How does this affect bi-winning?
The trick is to have kids and then you don't have to worry about going to the movies because you can't.
She's so genuine that even her wax figure doesn't seem fake.
Sort of related, sort of not, but one of my ideas of hell is being one of those people standing behind the president while he's giving a speech. Silly hat or no silly hat it has to be the most awkward thing in the world.
Isn't it a pretty ominous thing to shake Don Draper's hand at this point? Peggy did and she hasn't been heard from since. Lane Price did it and he ended up killing himself. I guess what I'm saying is we should probably check up on that guy from LMFAO.
Jaquen's facechange trick blew my mind. Didn't see that coming.
Worst movie of all time the summer.
Worst movie of all time</s the summer.