Comments Preach.
I will bet you Videogum dollars, which are also called lorries.
"Courtney, dear, my advise to you is to change the spelling of your name to Kourtney Kove, colour your hair dark, and manoeuvre a big, smashing wedding to a famous athlete. And never, NEVER, apologise for anything."
Steve, your use of the word "hella" -- along with the fact that you typically post in Pacific Standard Time intervals -- makes me suspect you are from northern California. Amirite?
I'm calling it: A minimum of 2 Ryan Gosling jokes at the Golden Globes and at the Oscars. Wait for it...
Does the trailer looked like a mashup of "Inception" and "The Dark Night" to anyone else? No? Well then the Cake stands alone.
I expected 'Waffles' to be bigger.
...and a real hero...
That Bradley Cooper must share his "Sexiest Man Alive" cover with the Penn State Sex Scandal seems like enough justice for me.
I want to have what comes before babies with Mark Ruffalo. Lots of it.
The Cook, The Thief, Hey They're The Same Person!
"Something somthing you used 'another' twice in one sentence, friendo." -- Weve Stinwood
This sounds like another lame attempt by Natalie Portman's dance double to stir up another controversy. GET OVER IT LADY, SHE HAS THE OSCAR AND ISN'T GIVING IT BACK.
I wish Wes Anderson would just buy all the rights to all the Roald Dahl books and make all the movies exactly like Fantastic Mr. Fox. That is my Christmas wish. You don't like Drew Barrymore?!?!!! Kelly, you've just shattered my whole world view...
Guys, there was a BNPG in Community... POOP MOVIES.
"that guy who voiced Sully on Monsters Inc."??? His name was John Goodman. His name was John Goodman. His name was John Goodman. His name was John Goodman. #ABRFC - Always Be Referencing Fight Club
The Office was super hilarious and, in my opinion, "won" or whatever, but I've never really watched it before so... all I know is PLANKING. Awesome. Community was, I hate to say it, a little tired? I hope they bring something fresh to the 3rd season. P&R awesome as always. I see great things in this season's future. Whitney was UGHGHGHGHGH. I left it on, and then realized the blonde goes to my bootcamp workout, so I continued to leave it on, and then I took a hot poker from the fire and gouged my eyes and ears. I don't even know how I'm typing this right now.
Gabe: "I'd hit that." Thisismynightmare: "I WILL CUT A BITCH!"
Having interned there for a summer during college, I'm pretty excited for the Cocaineteria upgrade from the current Methissary.
Happy 1 year anniversary, darling. #SEBFC
Sex and the City. (I'm sorry)
all the upvotes. i would love to hear this one recorded, shell.
He would be the host, the judge, the competing artist, and Sarah Jessica Parker all at once.
At first I was like LOL, but then I was sadface. Wino forever.
I have a better idea for a movie: A young (under 30), mildly attractive, badass woman goes on a rampage killing ALL the producers in Hollywood and collecting their Post-It notes as scalps.
"Don't go for second best, baby, put your flowers to the test." -Damonna
The exclusive picture of her tattoo: I DON'T GET OUT OF BED FOR LESS THAN $1,000,000 I DON'T GET OUT OF BED FOR LESS THAN $100,000 I DON'T GET OUT OF BED FOR LESS THAN $10,000 I DON'T GET OUT OF BED FOR LESS THAN $1,000 I DON'T GET OUT OF BED FOR LESS THAN $100. AD SPACE AVAILABLE HERE Clear as a crystal, sharp as a knife I feel like I’m in the prime of my life
UGH Vincent Gallo. He is like three of my exes wrapped into one giant asshole in that movie.
The Cosby Show on Netflix Instant. So many sweaters. That is all.
Did you hear what Katie Holmes said about reading the script for her new movie, Don’t Be Afraid Of the Dark? What? You didn't hear? Who is Katie Holmes? She was in Mad Money and that JFK mini-series that aired on Reelz Channel. What? You don't have Reelz Channel?