
Ursorite Gabe. Nothing worse than when an ad tries to sell you something. I thought you were just here for the LOLs, commercial! Urgent to Kotex: less "Buy Our Feminine Products," more "Sanitary napkins, you guys! It's not a sanitary, it's not a napkin, what is it? They should make the whole plane outta that stuff!"
Cut me some slack pal, I only JUST NOW got my name re-registered, so I'm not up on all the references recently lifted verbatim from others peoples' unfunny comments now being passed off as "jokes." P.S. Iz you relly a goste?
I don't think anything Gabe has written in any review of anything has indicated that he thought it was terrific.
More than 10% of these comments are gifs. (Math!)
Well I watched the first three out of curiosity and what I came away with was "Kevin Smith: like WHAT is your problem?" He is literally not talking about ANYTHING. Not going to bother whining about the actual content of these videos, but was there a reason he made 24 of them rather than one or two? I am totally naive about how YouTube works but is that really necessary? The Haiti banner bothers me more than anything else about these videos. It is almost comical. It is something Carles would post about on HRO. By splashing HAITI underneath his face, Kevin Smith is partaking in the self-aggrandizing "celeb philanthropy" that has been so common of late. To me it seems like he is exploiting Haiti in order to further demonize Southwest and by extension all of his detractors. Like if you don't care about Kevin Smith's concern for traveling fat people then you don't care about Haiti. People like him are part of a major problem that is transforming a real humanitarian crisis into a keyword for populist sentimentality and shameless exploitation of 1st world guilt. How long is there going to be an unspoken or spoken #Haiti hashtag after everything we as westerners engage in? Until the next nonwestern humanitarian crisis? I just have to say that it's unbelievable how tense America gets when a celebrity and a brand suddenly conflict. Relax, technoAmerica.
I feel like apologizing to that poor baby for some reason. Like I know I have nothing to do with this situation, but still...sorry, kid. This is what we :( about when we :( about :(.
I had a pithy comment, but then I saw this comment and realized I never needed to comment about Jay Leno ever again, because this is just it.
Full disclosure: I voted for Rashida Jones because TEAM PAM 4 LYFE.
"Secretly" a jerk. Not "Aggressively" a jerk.
"Pop quiz, hotshot. There's a bomb on a bus. If it drops below 50, it blows up. What do you do for a Klondike bar?" (via @kerrycoolface aka Kiss The Pan)
Part of the reason I refuse to watch Sherlock Holmes is because I am thoroughly convinced that David Tennant was BORN for that role. RDJ will never hold the place in my heart occupied by DT (or any place in my heart for that matter [DOWNVOTE AWAY!]).
Wow to that cover art. Everything about this is awesome! Missy's Girls on repeat.
YOUR PICTURE, GIRL. Had to break my hiatus just to say this.
Guy with the hat in picture 2: YOUR CARDIGAN. I feel like I want to know you.
Uhhh look buddy. You basically told poor Kajus why he himself posted that image like he's not aware of why he posted it, prefaced it with "no offense" as if that phrase has the power to make a statement unoffensive, and then went on to tell him that 11 people were wrong for finding his image funny enough to upvote, disingenuously including yourself in the judgment in order to make it not seem like a judgment, which it absolutely still is. I'm just wondering what your understanding of self-righteousness is? I also just want to say that responses to your comments comprise like 1% of the bulk of my comments on Vgum, if that, and furthermore I would say that the fraction of your comments I actually respond to is miniscule. So, no, I didn't reach back into the far recesses of logic just to satisfy some compulsive need to e-spar with you. You'll notice my head isn't so far up my own ass that I neglected to hit "reply" to your comment. I'm saying that even though I know it's meaner than you deserve and a lame insult because I'm not morally smug. If it makes you feel any better, I will just silently disagree with you from now on and not reply to anything you say. Starting.... NOW.
I just think berating someone because their totally good-natured comment got upvoted is supremely douchey. Like, just calm down, right? It's not like upvotes represent real-life Karma Points or whatever! You're fine, Kajus.
Whoa! over here! My personal apologies in advance for anyone who finds evolution or Miley Cyrus offensive!
nnnnnnNNNNNNN refraining from commenting on use of meta
Wait, so just to clarify, you didn't read Hipster Runoff before because it is fucking terrible, but now that you have read it you now realize that you didn't read it before because it is fucking terrible? I'm sorry your sentence didn't work out too well, Nick, nice idea, but bleh.
Bill Hader is too good for this world.
When you Google "Rachel Maddow Richard Cohen" this post is on the first page of results. Awesome! Also, Richard Cohen is a gay retard (maybe literally??).
I know that people much smarter and more informed than I will have things to say about this so I will refrain from commenting on the politics of this. But allow me to please state that GO RACHEL! Girl fucking KILLED it. Is there an Interview of the Year Award? How about Interview of the Century? This makes Katie Couric's passive-aggressive baiting look fucking amateurish. I'm not gay but if I were I would wife the shit out of Rachel Maddow.
Sorry I said the Snapple thing totally forgetting you beat me to it. OLD NEWZ, CARRIE.
THE SNAPPLE LADY WAS GOING TO BE THERE TOO. SNAPPLE. There is a Vgum conspiracy afoot. AKA the best kind of conspiracy.
Gabe, this post is why I wanted you to do SATC for WMOAT. But I just didn't have the fire in my belly to crusade for it the way I did for The Last Kiss, so I guess it will never come to fruition. That bag is hideous.
Hollywood has got me pegged. This American Life style cinematography + Sufjan + ethnic diversity = I'm white and ready to give you between $8 and $12.50 to watch this. PUT IT IN MY EYES!
You beat me to it, buddy! (Isn't Jin Korean?)
Any Pittsburgh monsters? Not that I will in any way hang out with you....just curious.
Why a Tuesday? Do most of the monsters live in NYC? Seems like a weird day to travel.
Kim's hair is a beacon of glory in my otherwise banal existence. And she would be the perfect grandmother. I love how soft her voice gets when she's explaining that the most effective glass cleaner is easily made by combining two parts water to one part white vinegar! And she calls everyone "my love." LOVE HER.
It's true that I probably watch this out of some thinly-veiled schadenfreudian impulse, but I swear I only watch A Chance at Love 2 because I really want those deserving people to find true love and happiness!
I feel the same way about cleaning shows. The most extreme I've seen other than Hoarders, and hence my most favorite, is BBC's "How Clean Is Your House?" The only thing is those ladies insist on touching the grossest stuff with their bare hands. In my head I'm like "EW, DON'T! How can you even come back from that??" Like their hands will never be clean again. Think I might have a panic attack if I watched Hoarders regularly....
Without women, there would be no cookies.
He's employed lately!
Gabe, I like you. I'm glad you do this and even though it may not seem like a big thing sometimes, Videogum really is often the one thing that keeps me sane. Your commentary is always hilarious and thoughtful and the comment-culture here is so, so excellent. Uh, I don't really want to start waxing poetic about how much I love this place, but I just want you to know that I'm grateful for Vgum and all the awesome REAL PEOPLE I've become friends with through here, and I'm glad you are too.
HIV is actually like 4th or 5th on the things I'm worried about after reading this quote. The first thing is that RobPattz's first reservation over sucking a stranger kid's open wound is HIV, instead of THAT IS NOT A THING PEOPLE DO.
More like Joseph Gordon-LOVE-IT, amiright??