
Well I guess context really does beat content every time.
Man if you liked that, check two posts up and prepare for your sides to SPLIT my friend!
Don't really get why people still think The Monitor is about a breakup. It's about a lot of things, sure, but if the Civil War is a metaphor for anything, it's the age-old battle of artistic integrity and staying true to yourself vs. "selling-out" and just doing what everyone else wants you to do. That being said, Local Business clearly shows which side of that battle Titus are still on, and this P.E. addresses everything that it should. Nice work.
No WAY is The Black Album better than The Blueprint. It might be a cliché opinion by now, but Blueprint's my favorite Jay-Z album, and while I can understand people ranking Reasonable Doubt ahead of it, it's impossible to deny that it runs circles around Black. Harumph!
I like how he doesn't even refer to "the Smiths' bassplayer and drummer" by name.
"My Girls is the only Animal Collective song you can sing along to"
This typo was even worse when you consider I actually meant to write "Alligator (Choir Version)"
Still a better posse record than OF Tape 2
"Easy" definitely gets my vote as best G-Bear song.
I think I'm the only AnCo fan that actually prefers the Feels version of "Purple Bottle" to the single version.
Couple of left-field picks on here, and very strange to see absolutely nothing from Basement, but as long as XO is #1 I'm satisfied.
First impression: Might actually be my third favorite AnCo record. My top 5 now stands as MPP > Strawberry Jam > Centipede Hz > Feels > Sung Tongs. Really stellar LP, good job boys.
He's definitely toned down everything that's made him awful in the past. I'm tempted to upgrade Glover's status from "loathsome" to just "boring and unimpressive." Still, this tape's finest moments rarely have anything to do with Gambino (especially that Ghostface interlude, daaaammmn).
Yo how ironic would it have been if this brawl had gone really badly for Drake and he ended up paralyzed
The title of this article really sounds like an announcement of some event that is literally going to happen. "LCD Soundsystem Will Play Final Show at MSG." "Billy Corgan Will Piss on Fucking Radiohead." Anybody know if dates were announced yet? I don't wanna miss the presage.
Nothing I've heard from Gambino has been half as fun as that
I'm really looking forward to Glover's new mixtape, "Watch Me Get Shown Up by Everyone I Share a Track With"
This may make me look transphobic, but Transgender Dysphoria Blues is a really crappy title for a record.
I have never seen so many downvotes in my life
Actually dig this record, huge improvement over her debut IMO
Really good album, but the mixing on this thing (especially on "Hey Jane") is terrible. Still glad to see it doing so well reviews-wise.
ugh Jarvis Cocker is the greatest frontman of all time
"how is Fiona Apple first and Neil Young & Crazy Horse last 'in alphabetical order'?" ahahahaha
Really surprised by how much I like this. Totally destroys every track on her shitty debut.
Describing the audience of a songwriter who's previously struggled with anorexia as "most starved." Keep it classy, guys.
Did somebody down vote every post on this page Also I disagree with the whole losing momentum thing, "Fall of '86" is one of my favorite tracks on the thing.
A "nice" album is exactly what I need right now, which is maybe why I'm digging this so much. I love having a new Shins album to listen to in 2012. I'd give this a really strong 8.