
Yeah, how come no one is talking about Explosions in the Sky? Did everyone forget the awesomeness? Oh, and Shabazz Palaces put out a pretty sweet record.
No, don't apologize. It isn't spam. It's another blog with another opinion on good music. There's nothing shameless about people sharing things that matter to them. HATERS GONNA HATE!
"Quick quick, release something else before realize how bad Lulu is!" Too little, too late.
I'm wondering how that Noah & the Whale album made it on here. It really sucked... And where is Fleet Foxes. Sorry NME, but you suck. That's a great album.
Yeah, I haven't seen the Arctic Monkeys getting much love on any of these end of the year lists. I think it's a great rock record from start to finish and well worth a top ten spot. It's every bit as good, if not better, than their first three albums.
First, Sigur Ros live dvd/cd Then, Jonsi's soundtrack Soon, new Sigur Ros studio album This is a great time to be a fan of music.
All it means is that the Avalanches are douche bags and that Justin Vernon is misled. all art is compromised by what the artist wants out of it. But I don't think Vernon wrote any song for the specific purpose of playing it in a whiskey commercial like some people might write pop songs just to win grammys, although I don't find that likely either.
People are always hating on lists. I don't understand how Drake got #2. He's awful. But overall this is a really great list. I'm impressed. Good work Stereogum.
This is a really generic list, but I'm glad to see Fleet Foxes up so high. I seriously think Helplessness Blues is the best album of the past 5 years minimum.
hahaha I love this. It's so stupid. I'm not a fan of Drake or Bjork, but I realize that there is much worse shit out there than that. This is the troll king!