
There were rumors about a PTA directed video and this does seem to have his fingerprints on it. At least as much as I can tell from a 5 second clip.
Sit down Hov. You've been getting shown up by your wife since you guys got together. Save yourself the embarrassment.
Avatar game on point this past week, meat.
I think Spoon may have peaked with Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga. Not peaked in terms of music but in terms of creative influence and popularity.
I had some friends in college who basically destroyed their lives on that shit. They started taking it once in a while, then suddenly it was every day, then they were parachuting, then they stopped going to class, then they were out of school. I remember specifically hanging out with them in their room and this girl walks in, she was all kinds of gorgeous. For reasons I can't explain she starts flirting HEAVILY with one of them and they make plans to meet at her room later that night obviously for a hookup. I don't think she was after pills, not many people knew what they were into. Anyway, they start crushing up pills and they're like "dude, you realize your dick's not gonna work if you're fucked up on oxy when you go over there..." and he just kinda shrugged and wrapped up a pill in some toilet paper and popped it. I was like "Are you serious? You'd rather get high than hook up with this girl that most guys would kill to get a shot with?" They just said "Dude you have no idea how this feels." That was the moment I realized how fucked up that shit was. If not even that motivates you to stop for one fucking night then what chance do you have once you get addicted?
With a back catalog like Radiohead's the bar for them blowing me away with a new release is almost impossibly high. This song is every bit as good as we should reasonably expect from them.
Are you implying it isn't coming out until June 12th? Cause that would be terrible. Also keep in mind that they're British so if they're going for a date that would be December 6th.
I will never be able to unsee this.
TKOL was a huge grower. Definitely not their best but way better than most people give it credit for. Probably because most people didn't give it time to grow, which is understandable. It was pretty boring at first listen.
I'd consider buying a $400 general admission ticket if there wasn't going to be a whole section of seats and a whole section of premium standing room in between me and the stage. I get that a large portion of the target demo for this thing won't be able to stand for two straight shows but it seems like they're setting this up to make the most money possible while providing the lamest possible concert experience.
I'm not gonna say this is better than anything on TKOL, but it's definitely more immediately likable than anything on that album. So good!
OK Computer Kid A In Rainbows The Bends Amnesiac The King of Limbs Hail to the Thief Pablo Honey
What if they deleted their entire internet presence and then put the album in stores and it's been sitting there since Saturday but no one knows because no one buys physical albums anymore?
Gotta disagree about covering The Beatles. Of course you're not gonna top the original but their songs are so good that just about anyone can play them and they're still great. Bands that shouldn't be covered are bands who have a singer/instrumentalist with a singular sound that just can't be replicated. Like, don't cover Radiohead unless Thom Yorke is in your band (with the exception of Brad Mehldau's solo piano covers, those are incredible)
There's definitely more nuance to the issue than either side seems to acknowledge. As individuals, cops are just like everyone else, some of them are great and some are shitbags. The problem isn't individual cops, the problem is systemic racism within police departments that trains cops to treat people of color unfairly and societal racism at large which trains all of us to leap to assumptions about people because of their race.
From what I've read I think so. Festivals with an EDM element but that are focused on more rock-type music (if that's even a thing still) tend to have deaths here and there, but EDM festivals it just seems almost expected now. Pills are dangerous b/c it's so hard to know whats in them and a lot of the time people are getting their "molly" (or what they think is molly) in powder form and it's hard to know how much they're taking. It's not that they do more drugs necessarily, it's that inherently dangerous drugs are more popular there.
IDK if Arcade Fire should count. Having a woman in your band doesn't make it a female fronted band. Win is the clear front-person.
They gave TLOP a fucking 9????? I mean it's pretty great but it's definitely a second or third tier Kanye album. 8.3 tops!
If you drunkenly sing a karaoke song at a party can that legitimately be called a "cover?" Have I also covered this song if I sang it on Rock Band in my sister's basement?
Did jay z cheat on Beyoncé???? This is not subtle...
Let's wait until the second or third post about this to start the sarcasm train please.
Yes! That video is amazing, every other musician is just kinda going through the motions and then Prince walks on stage out of nowhere and throws down a blistering solo and then just tosses his guitar and walks off. Classic.
As a former midwesterner who now lives in CA and has driven past that corridor on the way to Yosemite many times, I gotta disagree. It's fairly dismal over there but it's got nothing on rust belt Ohio.
This could be low key one of the best releases of the year. The Golden Record was so good and so under appreciated.
If Droste's instagram is any indication then I wouldn't be surprised if they take time off and further delay the album to support the Bernie campaign if he wins the nomination.
She deserved to be escorted off stage and out of the venue. No one deserves violence unless they've literally asked for it or are committing it themselves.
It is a pretty cool place to visit though. I literally touched the jacket John Lennon wore on the cover of Sgt. Pepper's
Miller: Really???? Their letting bands like mine in this place??? WTF is this shit???
This comment is myopic. She absolutely writes her own songs. Sure she gets help with some things, at this point there's a gazillion dollars riding on her records being successful so of course she has some hired guns to make sure everything is as good as it could be but it's not like she's god damn Britney Spears. The woman has creativity and talent. Maybe her music doesn't speak to you (I like her OK but I've never voluntarily sought out her music) but to act like she is just a product and not a musician is just plain wrong. Furthermore, Adams strikes me as being entirely serious about this. I think he genuinely likes her music and wanted to pay tribute. Also, I'd be shocked if he never played any of it live. I'll be seeing him this summer and am hoping to here some of these songs. That said I doubt he'd decide to do a cover album for another, lesser known artist. I do think there was an element of "wow, won't it be 'edgy' and 'against the grain' (but in a totally safe way) if I cover this album?" and possibly an element of "holy shit I could get a lot of exposure for this!" But I don't think he's satirizing her or just strictly trying to be cool/cash in. He was definitely motivated, at least initially, by admiration.
I just saw pecknold open for Joanna newsom last weekend. He played a bunch of unknown songs that I'm assuming will become new fleet foxes songs. Hard to judge based on a stripped down solo performance but a few of them sounded REALLY good.
Got my eager beaver tix as well. I'm going to see radiohead and Sufjan, literally my two favorite artists, on the same fucking day! I just hope they don't play at opposite sides of the fest one right after the other. From the looks of it it'll either be that or Sufjan opening for radiohead!
This makes it seem really likely that they'll headline Treasure Island Music Festival in the Bay Area. It's happening just a few days after their Phoenix date and they've conspicuously skipped us on their way down from Portland, perhaps to comply with the festivals radius clause.
Kinda. Centipede Hz was more of a return to form after going in a more accessible direction with MPP.
Literally none of what you just said is true. They're ALL fantastic albums but in every case you mentioned the breakthrough is the better album.