
I kinda agree. Or at least understand what you're getting at. It's easy to hate this cunt. Super easy. Rarely is it ever so clear that a person is so terrible. It seems the whole point of this story is to have something we can all agree upon. Raging against people like this is kinda lazy (though very, very justified). It's great that we can all agree that this is horrible, but so what?
I think she's a truly horrible person; but at the same time I'm, like, hats off to you, ma'am. You're really going to take it to the limit and break all the rules. You've turned shrieking nightmare garbage cunt into performance art. Fortunately, like most performance artists you won't get the grant and you'll die obscure, cold and alone. Or maybe not alone. Maybe you'll die with Mr. Cool Pick-Up Line (see trevornail's post) at your side. Much improved, I'm sure.
Hopefully Robin's song will summon our favorite troll.
and then Anne Hathaway sends secret swordfish to Kate Hudson's office too make her too mercury for babby?
Does the first amendment mean you can act like a petulant child and write a hate blog directed at a college student and keep your civil service job? Last time I checked your first amendment rights are only violated once the government put you in jail for your ridiculous 13 year-old graffiti gossip blog. Well take me to the supreme court, b/c whoops I'm sending you to 13-year-old-graffiti-blog Jail.
2012 isn't coming fast enough.
I remember watching the news with my mother once, when a story about the gay marriage issue came up. Of course there was the obligatory footage of gay couples kissing on courthouse steps and all that. My mom's response? "Gross." and then to herself, "Whoops, my gay son is standing right next to me." followed by my ice cold stare down and "Gurl no you di-in't" Parentsgum
MTV Jersey Shore: 炎色 ヘルペス
Clicking on Valves that Hopefully Do Something Useful: The Movie WHERE DID CLIP GO? MUST FIND!
WHERE WHERE WHERE is the clip of the basketball monkey?
The reality of the financial collapse was actually extremely boring and tedious. However, I'm sure a movie following a Nomi Prins character unraveling hard maths and SEC paperwork would have been more entertaining than watching Rand cultists race motorcycles and not really get their comeuppance.
She began her pointless manufactured career as a completely harmless and respectable person. Her handlers then decided she needed to sex it up, so she appropriated a sexuality that wasn't hers by playing the bi-for-straight-guys card which is the worst. She then goes on to act and appear like some sexual object that I truly believe she isn't, but that's what sells. At first I was sympathetic to this poor creature being slowly consumed by celebrity culture before my very eyes, but that only lasted so long. What's worse? Tila Tequila or someone who pretends they're just as awful for commercial success. Sorry I had to be so vulgar. I was just trying to articulate the underlying message of Katy Perry's "art". Is this better? See you all in the monster's ball! I think I finally made it!
With Jake the Dog and Bubblegum Princess? That's what I want you to mean by that reference, because Rufus wouldn't be much fun anymore. Total bummer.
Looks like Eddie Izzard doesn't like Kant.
I thought eating da poo poo made you gay. I guess I've been doing this the hard way :(
Katy Perry has transcended her slut mask. Her life is a French fairy tale. The part of Puss in Boots is played by her sopping wet vageen.
Are the vegan police coming to take his powers away? It won't do any good. He can still destroy us with his upper class ennui zzzzzz bombs.
I think you already won this contest 3 months ago: "You have my sword. And my and my axe. And my Honorary Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Kent in Canterbury"
That's Gabe's favorite movie. He made his grandkids watch it last time they visited. They've never come back.
In this metaphor I am the sinking ship.
We have all your upvotes, youtube.
"Dare you take a leap of faith? Or become an old man, filled with unrealized income potential, waiting to file for Chapter 11 alone."
Margot at the Monthly Group Birthday Party in the Conference Room
She's ruining the deaf experience of Black Eyed Pee-Pants
I kind of understand what you're saying. Being gay isn't really chic, and mainstream gay culture can be a pretty obnoxious ouroboros of sexual objectification, and straights who want to wear you as an accessory are the worst, and craigslist closet cases are shameful (also your boyfriends), but can we agree that we all, young and old, share that experience of growing up as confused outsiders? That's something that encourages most of us to have a more open mind, and that's pretty cool. Also cool: states that recognize our civil rights.
Snap out of it, Tuxedo Mask!
Let the Right One Inuyasha