
Please tell me that this means it leaked. I've been anticipating this SO HARD.
I'm proud of how far Sufjan has come. He finally seems to be letting himself have a little fun.
I really love that artwork/typeface, but it's not very Coldplay-ish unless they drastically change their sound.
Frank Ocean has such a smooth voice, why isn't his songs on the radio again?
I like it and I think repeat listens will only make it better.
I think Suicide's self titled album sounds like a BAD trip, but it should be on this list. I can't even bare to listen to 'Frankie Teardrop' because it scares the crap out of me. The album is awesome, though.
But definitely NOT in Michigan or Illinois.
Good 'Ol Fashioned Nightmare has an amazing beat to it. Makes me happy every time I hear it.