
good stuff. this reminds me of Broadcast
Lets see how much the gum hype machine pushes her to the forefront.
Israel being very restraint ? You gotta be fucking kdding me.
I stilldont understand why a lot of people keep saying TKOl is bleepy bloopy music. The only bleepy bloopy track was Bloom. Did a lot of people just stopped listening at Bloom? Everything else after that was very much guitar centric (well except for Codex). Heck they even went acoustic folk with Give Up The Ghost. So yeah, tell me people, wheere is this bleepy bloopy comments coming from?
Yeah, TKOL is a fantastic album.
I guess most here forgot that, Low, played a 30 minute all drone set last year at some big festival ? Lol
Yeah i noticed that too, event amongst my indie rock fans lol, i had to point that out
Kim Gordon has done wayy shittier versions of their songs an she gets away scot free, while yoko ono gets trashed? come on people for the record, i love kim gordon and the youth. agreed with you Rasmus....
so i guess ASDIG wasnt very good live eh? i should have known, i saw POBPAH live and i thought they were horrible.
Agreed. I didnt really like Olympia but this ep is just fantastic
i wouldnt even consider SWANS remotely metal. however that does not answer your question lol... New one sounds very TOOL-ish, very prog, long pieces. either you'll dig it, or you dont. bear in mind back in the 80s they didnt sound like they do now. but its ok if you cant get into. its really not for everyday listening.
its ok. good luck with the machinery.
Not sure How i feel about this. If Nika wanted to prove that she could do a synth pop song, well, she has ultimately proved her point in this song. However, the song itself is merely average, by Zola Jesus standards. The redeeming factor is that now her voice is cleared up from the fog aka tons of reverb. I hope the remaining songs on Taiga wil blow me away. This one didnt.
Yes, been waiting for ages for a proper followup to connatus
Whats this, a LDR fest on the gum???
and the fact that Portishead has moved on and "left" this dated sound back in the 90s
except that portishead does it much much better , with no horrible song titles.
How on earth did this album get mentioned in the same breath as kid a?. Just
Im sorry, but quietus end of years list trumps stereogums every single time. So no, they are not a pointless crit rag.
yup, def LDR fan club president.
"Plenty of the song titles feel like song titles you’d come up with if you were making fun of Lana Del Rey " i LOLed so hard at this. if anything, reading the song titles makes me dont wanna check out these songs at all LOL
This one song alone >> olympia
Gira never dissapoints
I take it you didnt read the earlier dispute. Geoff barrow doesnt want Weeknds money.
Where did yiu hear afraid of nothing?
Is that a HR Giger work there on the cover?
You can do dad rock and not be boring. See Neil Young. This album to me is just dull dull dull.
You didnt like KIng Animal? I thought the first half of the record was stellar.
And thanks for the article Ryan. That was a well written piece
Close to a perfect album for me. I dont skip any songs on this one, even until today.
her voice is very2 weak without all those autotune effects
goth/noise rock is sorely needed in these parts!
I like X&Y much2 better than their last release
some days i just like inoffensive catchy alternative music amongst my drone heavy regular playlist.
no, it does not sound like bon iver. that said, it sounds way better than anything on mylie xylo
emm..another london grammar-like?