
With the red pants, the ponytail, and the hip wiggle, Thom looks mighty Axl Rose-y. Hopefully it's only a temporary resemblance and not a lifestyle choice.
Despite our eternal love, it makes me uncomfortable when my boyfriend does his Morgan Freeman impression on his teenage granddaughter.
Where's that confounded bridge?
Best Picture The Artist Best Actor George Clooney, The Descendants Best Actress Meryl Streep, The Iron Lady Best Supporting Actor Max von Sydow, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close Best Supporting Actress Octavia Spencer, The Help Best Director Alexander Payne, The Descendants Best Original Screenplay Midnight In Paris Best Adapted Screenplay The Descendants Best Foreign Film A Separation Best Animated Feature Film Rango Art Direction War Horse Cinematography The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Jeff Cronenweth Costume Design Hugo, Sandy Powell Documentary (Feature) Hell and Back Again Documentary (Short Subject) Incident in New Baghdad Film Editing The Artist, Anne-Sophie Bion and Michel Hazanavicius Makeup The Iron Lady, Mark Coulier and J. Roy Helland Music (Original Score) The Artist, Ludovic Bource Music (Original Song) “Man or Muppet", Bret McKenzie Short Film (Animated) “La Luna”, Enrico Casarosa Short Film (Live Action) “Raju”, Max Zahle and Stefan Gieren Sound Editing Hugo, Philip Stockton and Eugene Gearty Sound Mixing Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Greg P. Russell, Gary Summers, Jeffrey J. Haboush and Peter J. Devlin Visual Effects Rise of the Planet of the Apes
As a Z, I am disappointed to have been passed over for this exciting opportunity.
Apparently there's going to be an Eastbound & Down animated series? @KFUCKINP tweeted about it today:!/KFUCKINGP/status/167279776619446272
Those ladies are cooking their delicious desserts in a weird looking kitchen.
Thankfully, I have sons. A friend with daughters once told me, "You just have to worry about 1 penis. I have to worry about ALL the penises." #sharinggum
I want to go to there
Where's facetaco at, String? Where the fuck is facetaco?
Ginger Ball Z: Ball Z to the Wall
That tree looked happy. He painted a happy tree.
Please consider this last-minute entry: Baby polar bear? More, please!
#7 is like a Werttrew-nominating-Amelia-for-WMOAT post. I've watched it 10 times and laugh til I cry every time.
I see your point, but you didn't have to be so Olerud about it.
Is your irrational impulse a 501(c)(3) organization? You should be writing off your contributions. Cha-CHING!
Miyazaki GIFs deserve all the upvotes
Yay! One step closer to my EGOT! I probably wasn't the first to make the Brokeback Mountain joke, but I was the first to post it on Videogum with photographic evidence. Sincere Mazel Tovs to Son of Gabe, who most succinctly and articulately wrote what we all felt and shared his heroic coming out story, and to R2D2, Esq. for summing up everything wrong with that awful ad and people of Mr. Perry's ilk. A shout-out should also go to thisismynightmare. Her perfect animated-gif reply to my comment earned a close 6th place by my count, coming very close to making this week's Ball a single comment thread sweep. For Videogum improvements, I think you guys continue to be the best pop-culture trampoline-accident site on the internet, delivering high-quality content day in and day out. Kelly is a great addition to the team and it's exciting that the site is once again successful enough to hire more staff (never forget). The Petting Zoo is fast becoming my most-anticipated post of the week and the Friendly Chats are a fantastic replacement for Friday Fights. I miss soft Gabe's Glee-caps. I cannot stomach the show and his posts always gave me good material for wife-baiting (she's a Gleetard. love you, honey!) I would also like to see a return of TOFTT, but I know that type of thing can be cost-prohibitive and/or life-threatening. Sending Gabe to the Gathering of the Juggalos, for instance. All in all, I think you guys are crushing it. Much love.
Excellent wardrobe choice, Mr. Perry. Totally no homo. (not a muppet, but close enough)
Grandma thinks it's a great idea and she's so glad you decided to contribute! Look at her smile!
This Anglo Ginger made Mac & Cheese (macaroni, condensed milk, whole milk, butter, cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese - mix together, cook in crock pot) for Thanksgiving this year. If anything, it's a southern thing. (Tweet at me for the recipe - @Ginger_Ball_Z)
I was in Jazz Band in jr. high school and Jazz Choir in high school. LADIES?
Did they steal their idea from After The Rapture Pet Care? Total Left Behinder thing to do.
"The Bible - The Jewish Portion" - Kirk Cameron's name for the Torah
Are you responsible for this, djfreshie? You win the internets today (consolation prize).
Kelly, stop trying to make fetch happen.
Link fail.
I was just wondering what the hell happened to Lady Sovereign.
MTV Studio Exec 1: I want to have the next The Real World have something to do with Occupy Wall Street! MTV Studio Exec 2: We should call it "The Real World: Sextin' The City"! MTV Studio Exec 1: We're gonna win all the Emmys! Let's go do some blow.
Dibs on Sexy Jesus
Greek OR Mexican? I think we all know which one it was. Typecasting is a bitch.