
she definitely says that they're going to perform a JEW-ET for us.
jeremy tire irons = we can just end this website right now, no?
gabe, you got the hypothetical situation from the first paragraph from scottgum's mom. admit it.
now we snark in style.
cut and paste from my facebook for your pleasure: Political Views: yeah, i claimed that tinyurl.
good to see a lady in the ranks! (sorry, boyz.)
not to sound like a lifetime movie or anything, but this show was really special.
that's what i'm talkin' 'bout.
i will not be sad when he dies. that's what human garbage does. makes you lose a little of your humanity. humiliation, pat robertson.
1. i'm female. 2. it really was not intended as bait! i mean it! :)
what amazes me is not that SNL is bad. of course, SNL is bad. it's that YOU GUYS CONTINUE TO WATCH IT. i agree that shooting fish in a barrel is the cynic's national pastime but what's with the disbelief? xo.
i'm just saying that bringing back DOUBLE DOG would be great.
COMMUNAL NERD CAVE, INDEED. also, my request is for the Monsters- less gabe ass kissing, y/y? videogum's future's so bright it has to wear shades.
definitely spotty. the good parts are GREAT and the meh parts are meh. certainly NOT a FAIL though.
oh also, not to get all politicalgum here, but Gabe gave a great little shpiel there on the reason for all the Jew Love. high five.
not to be rude and not to speak on behalf of all jews everywhere but? RETURN TO SENDER.
Yikes, Augustine indeed. ("Yikes, Augustine" is going to be huge.)
can we all agree that james lipton is basically william shatner these days?
amazing speech with a concise argument whether you are for or against. #sincerity also PROUD DAY FOR STATEN ISLAND and how often can we say that? #snark
i agree. he was articulate and thoughtful. signed, gotta get a life. me, not you.
oh. one more thing. THIS SHOW GOES BEYOND SCHADENFREUDE because i don't think schadenfreude includes the very real possibility one might vomit in one's living room while watching basic cable.
"do you think it's a common occurrence to find a dead cat in a house?" 1.BEYOND. THIS SHOW IS BEYOND WORDS. THESE. PEOPLE. --or-- 2. i think yes. maybe it is somewhat common because they had the same shit from different last people in the previous season. either way:---> :(
"Paste-rock superbeast"? sounds like a dig to me.
this is great, don't get me wrong, but i would have preferred a de-emphasized "t" in the last "burritos".
bizarre! more fool's gold coverage, pls!
add me, bitches! @grace6697
we finally found a worse actor than Nicholas Cage. RICHARD HEENE.