
I have no idea who down-voted you, but I upvoted you b/c it was funny.
Well, she is walking through Dealy Plaza where Kennedy was shot and got shot near the "grassy knoll." Does that help? I'm not trying to be condescending, but it just occurred to me that it might not be clear for someone not familiar with the area.
THANK YOU. I was thinking the same thing. She needs to go in for a fitting...and not to Victoria's Secret. They are horrible with the bra fittings.
Yeah, I was actually thinking that this video was way more informative than any of the videos that I watched in school, and that a little girl could actually learn something from this. And yet I was still horrified. Maybe I shouldn't be, but I was.
Yeah, I'm basically going to have to come up with a new title for my memoirs now.
It's on my calendar, you guys!
You know, I have a lot of respect for James Franco. Dude is hot, rich, successful, and yet he decided that he wanted more out of life. He wanted an education. Props, James. However... This sucks hard. Like, I couldn't even finish it, I'm so embarrassed for him. I've never even taken a writing class, and I can still recognize that this blows because I've read a book or 2 in my life. He'll be laughing all the way to the bank and I'll still be living in my apartment in a sketchy neighborhood. Such is life.
Was anyone else immediately reminded of "Coven" when watching that trailor?
Wait, didn't Postal Service do a cover of Against All Odds? I love that song, by the way. And not even in an ironic way.
Yeah, I agree with the others here. You really have to force yourself to get through the first 5 or so episode of season 1, and then you'll finally understand what's going on. Also, you are going to have to go back to Season 1 at some point because they go back to the Barksdales after Season 2.
I think we've figured out where Paltrow gets her leg grease, you guys.
Sorry, I should refresh the page more often.
Since this is clearly a thread about The Wire, and not about thursday night tv, can we just discuss my favorite character Slim Charles for a second? I mean, I think he is way underrated as a character, and I basically want that actor to start a wake up call service because I would subscribe so hard. He should have his own show where he just reads the Baltimore phonebook.
Dreaming in V-gum comments is way better than dreaming in code, which is what happens when I am in heavy programming mode at work. Shhh...just enjoy it. You're a monster now. Go with it. Shhhh....
It might be cheaper for the Chicago crew to pool our money and fly Gabe to us, amirite? He's not too fancy for coach, and he can sleep on my couch.
Pidgeon just grateful that mother nature did not give her ears.
Agreed. The best season. The last episode of Season 4 will ruin you. You will just sit there on the couch for days staring at the dvd menu loop.
I would like to nominate "Year of the Dog" for The Hunt. I think John C. Reilly and Peter Saaaaaarssgaaaard are big enough stars to make the cut. It is seriously awful. And boring. And heavy handed. And a waste of precious precious talent. Do it, Gabe!
I am really impressed that Gabe got the order of operations correct.
The part where she flashed her lady business as proof that she's not a herm was genuinely shocking and kind of awesome. And I'm not even into chicks! Madonna is kicking herself right now for not thinking of this first.
I'm still watching PR. This season is waaaaaaaaaaay better than last season. I haven't watched last night's epi yet. I don't have cable and they don't post new epis online until Saturday.
How did I miss that Christoph Waltz parody (other than the fact that I don't watch Jimmy Kimmel)? Just another reason why he is awesome.
Who is that lesbian fraggle standing next to Diplo?
I can't wait for the Peggy doll to tell the Roger doll to get his own damn coffee.
That was Corey Feldman.
Wait, of course you remember Lucas, b/c Gabe just linked to it. In my grief, I must have missed that.
Poor Corey. Remember before Corey Haim was a teen heart throb and he was just a good little actor? Remember Lucas?
My brother had this exact same Sears portrait done, except he was holding a pink electric guitar instead of a cat and his mullet was not pulled back in a ponytail. For serious.
*NEWSFLASH* I set up that joke on purpose because I knew someone would fill in the punchline. AwkwardPants did the right thing, and I already consider her/his upvote my upvotes because we monsters are a TEAM. It's not stealing. Also, unless it's Monster's Ball-level upvotes, do any of us really care? Also, a am a female, not guy.
I take this as a sign that there will be a "Honky Grandma Be Trippin 2." Can't wait! As an aside: I can't believe I'm the first monster to reference "Honky Grandma Be Trippin" in response to this post. Also, I'm almost done wiping the throw-up off my keyboard after looking at the movie poster.