
Slightly below? I mean, at least if you ask your girlfriend it's still an actual person and you can just write it off as a crazy fetish. With this you have no excuse, you paid money that you earned so that you can stick your penis in a piece of rubber shaped to look like a vampire's mouth. That was the most awful sentence I've ever typed.
Every part of my being wishes they had said "And clean-up is a snap!" somewhere in that ad.
Dead serious, that was one of the funniest jokes I've ever heard. That kid is my son (I wish).
Holy shit, maybe it's because I had pictured a much smaller "launch" in my head, but that explosion and subsequent 200 FOOT ANVIL LAUNCH AT LIKE THREE MILLION MILES AN HOUR impressed the hell out of me.
His name is Alexander! Why do you never listen to him?
Is it weird that I can't picture any of these in regular-motion? I feel like slow motion physics is the only thing keeping these people up.
It does get old Billy Crystal. IT DOES GET OLD.
If this is a scene from The Fourth Kind, it just might be the scariest movie ever made. Seriously, holy shit, those owls are a living nightmare factory.
I've loved the Carpet Is series since I was a child, but honestly, Carpet Is Lasers, Tile Is Sharks, Wood Floor Is Quicksand, Grass Is Lava was too heavy on the teen drama and too light on the flooring based humor.
I don't see what's wrong with showing how Jim and Pam are reacting to silly/ridiculous things at their own wedding, in the emotional climax of not just the episode about their wedding, but arguably of the entire series. Besides, most of those were legitimate smiles. Like the part near the end where they're all dancing down the aisle in a row and Michael smiles at Jim and then Jim smiles back and then my heart melts.
Isn't it strange to think that if Jill and Kevin had never concieved this idea for their wedding, filmed it, and put it on youtube where it grew incredibly popular, this episode would have ended in a completely different way? e-Ripple iEffect. But yeah, I loved this episode, as well as everything else last night. Nice job TV!
There is a cat on that surfboard! But cats do not surf!
So far Mew is two for two with me on these videos. If the video for Beach is as crazy as these two I'll be able to say I love everything about this album.
If it's anything like Space Jam, I'll be there on day one.
Woo! Upvotes for ice cream!
Seriously, has anyone ever been able to get the NBC player to work, or is it just me (and I assume summerherekid!)?
"Someone has re-imagineered True Blood as a laff-track sitcom. Now it's the best show on television!" Fixed up a typo for ya there Gabe.
"These first ten pages are killing me."
So does that mean the villain is the Verizon guy, out to make Matthew Lillard's life miserable for not owning a cell phone?