
Red hair just doesn't whip as effortlessly (see below post for more on this terrible joke)
It's a Hancock life for us. (Sorry for that, I just couldn't come up with a Whip My Hair pun that didn't sound lazy)
I was like, "This is a well thought-out, albeit opinionated, viewpoint on this whole situation. I have no idea why it's been downvoted so much." Then I read the addendum paragraph and was like, "god hates fajita mcjones."
RT @ebertchicago Friend's don't let friends drive angry. Shot in 3D.
You heard it here first, folks: if it's vaguely in the same style as a similar genre to the genre that the band blink-182 also happened to dabble in, then it's blink-182. AIR-TIGHT ARGUMENT IS NOW SEALED SHUT, YOU CAN ALL NOW GO BACK TO USING THE WORD HIPSTER TO DESCRIBE THINGS YOU DISLIKE WHILE REMAINING UNAWARE OF THE IRONY IN DOING SO.
Battles. Ice Cream. #songofthesummer Also, how did LCD beat out Wavves' King of the Beach for song of the summer '10?
I am a cyclist as well. I ride it everywhere. But other cyclists certainly don't make it easy for pro-cyclist sentiment to exist. They chastise anyone who drives to work but when they go out and get a bike they scoff at them for getting a bike that coasts and has break and is, you know, safe. That being said, I don't think I've ever once rode anywhere more than a mile away without something blocking the ENTIRE bikelane. And it's never anything I can just wait around for to drive away. So I GO AROUND THE OBJECT BLOCKING MY FUCKING PATH. If I were to receive a ticket for each one of these apparently illegal acts, I'd be so in debt I'd never get out. So despite how smug this video may appear, I'd say it's an effective way to draw attention to an actual problem. What I'm trying to say is that fixed gears are fucking stupid.
This was meant as a reply to stupendous Man, not to the gross comment above which is gross.
Obviously not enough people have read this far or this would be well on it's way to the tiptop of the monster's ball... Yeesh, that sounds dirty...
No need to always sound so smug, Gabe. I understand that you and a good portion of my friends cannot understand the allure of a tattoo, but I have several and although there's one I occasionally regret (because when asked to explain it I have to delved into a dark part of my past every fucking time) I love the idea of being able to manually alter yourself if you'd like. I'm the least decisive human being alive, which is why I love my tattoos: they force me to be firm in my convictions and stand by a decision. What I'm trying to say is that some people have something important to say to the entire world, like this girl does:
This was supposed to be a reply to the "pretend to be Sterogum" message above. I am sorry. I am not really a jerk, I just play on on TV.
it's trying to be funny in it's repetitiveness b ut what it really is is just lazy songwriting. just because you write comedy songs doesn't mean they shouldn't be good songs as well otherwise just stay on tv where you belong.
I worked at Universal Studios for a summer one time when I hated myself and they let us try butterbeer before anyone else. And it was the worst experience of my life. Imagine, if you will, something so delicious that you cannot even take a breath's-length moment to cry the blissful tears of serenity you rightfully deserve to release at this juncture in your life, because before you can open your mouth to pray you are immediately bitchslapped with the existential realization that nothing will ever taste as good as butterbeer. You will spend the rest of your life in vain trying to find something better, KNOWING IN YOUR HEART that your quest is futile, but still you are unable to let go of the primal urge to trump this moment one day. For what is life if butterbeer is the pinnacle? You can intellectualize it, but you cannot accept it. You cannot accept it. tl;dr Butterbeer is REALLY good, I had it once!
I can empathize with you, Friday. I had to drop out of my core acting course (I go to an art school for acting because I like being poor almost as much as I love whiskey) because of depression, crazy-people medication, etc. That was actually kind of a relief... ...Until everyone asked me why I dropped the class and I had to explain to EVERYONE IN MY PROGRAM INDIVIDUALLY that I suffer from mental illness and have most of them respond with "Well why are you sad?" Y'know, because being sad and having a serotonin imbalance are OBVIOUSLY the same thing.
"Your Eyeness" starring James Branco.
My Dog Skype
"The characters will never become predictable caricatures either" ~Dwight Schrute
My mom does that too, but with Rob Thomas from Matchbox 20. And I'm like "Mom, I already KNOW Rob Thomas is in a rehab center in Philly."
The Janjaweed, a militia armed by the Sudanese government. Presumably.
Speaking of hipster: "Kory is aware of current events and has downloaded the Constitution app on his iPhone." ACTUAL WORDS TAKEN FROM THE OFFICIAL SUMMARY UNDER THIS VIDEO.
Garden State 2: Macaroni Rascals.
His eyes are quite... Um.. Abby something... Abby Normal.
Wait... Steve Winwood is back?! And he came back so he could (essentially) say "She's pretty."?! In case Steve ever mysteriously takes leave again, we need more hot pictures of Natalie Portman on reserve to draw him back. #doingmypart #rockthevote
Pssh, they have better guest bloggers than this. In RUSSIA.
He also in that moment became a better drummer than Meg White. And that doesn't even make sense.
Either way you're looking at a p- *This joke has been canceled*
First Ghost Rider brings us flaming skulls on motorcycles... Now this tiger business.. HOW MANY ED HARDY TATTOOS MUST WE TURN INTO MOVIES BEFORE WE JUST MAKE A MOVIE ABOUT A GIANT DOUCHE?!
"The Body the Blood the Machine" is one of my top 5 albums of all time. For some reason after that one they became Blink-182, but boring.
I don't know how you can say I'm crazy when I went to YOUR schools. When I went to YOUR churches. When I went to YOUR racist teaparty rallies against tan people with beards. So how can you say I'M crazy? #alliwantedwasapepsi
Inoirite? First thing I thought was that Brian Fantana must have done pretty well after leaving Channel 4 Action News.