
Has anyone seen them in the same place at the same time? Or Gabe without that head tilt thing?
Wait a minute. Did you FIND that gif...or did you LOOK for it? Google history: "bored woman during sex gif" [2.3 million results]
Somewhere in Bizarro World, on Videomug, this post is titled, "Those are both your boyfriends", and the post is filled with Ebag's trademark vitriol directed at the President: "Socialized medicine? YIKES." "Forget it, Jake, it's Socialisttown." etc.
Mayan calendar debacle downside: Years of drudgery and watching civilization slowly disintegrate rather than disappear in a fiery cataclysm. Mayan calendar debacle upside: Years of new material to add to the TWSS Archive. Werttrew, I hope your exhaustive Videogum website actually tracks said archive and its categories.
I love it when a contrived plot comes together.
(a) I prefer the old-school French-based spelling of rôle. (b) If I were a well-known organized crime lord I would DEFINITELY make a giant Wicker Man statue in response. (b2) Or cut off his hand with a bread slicer. #toolatetothemoonstruckreferenceparty
Gabe, stop skirting around the real issue and tell us where we can find our official Sad Keanu Halloween costume.
For a guy whose name is Mike Cox, for fuck's sake, you'd think he'd be a little more sensitive to the issue of homophobia in particular and name-calling in general.
Pfft. Screw that. Just say neaux, kids. (Roll wave? No? Whatever.) But I am enjoying southerncollegemascotgum all up in here.
"A- always B- be C- come on with The Hunt already!" -like everyone
Okay, yes, fine, but Mondays are bad enough without finding racist overtones in my Internet memes. #3 could also be... - Autotune - Zazzle - excessive mainstream media coverage - fuckin' magnets
Disagree: go as an ICP-er and you can throw things at people dressed like Tila Tequila.
I'm just glad he got a chance to cash in on his 15 mins. It's the American way: 1. Make a fool of yourself on TV 2. Millions of people laugh at you via the miracle of the Internet 3. ??? 4. Profit It's how Andrew Carnegie made his first million. Or at least Glenn Beck. Run and tell THAT, homeboy.
I agree wholeheartedly, to the extent that I just made the same comment like five seconds later. Who has two thumbs and can't read? This guy.
You guys! I just got back from Stereogum and holy shit, they mad. Those are some antagonistic commenters. I never thought I'd say this but it's good to be back at Videogum, the web's premier showcase of thoughtful, respectful comments.
Sad Keanu should find that double rainbow guy, and console him about his 15 minutes being up.
I, for one, fail to understand why actual filibusters don't happen anymore. What is this obliquely-threatening thing? Harry Reid, force an actual filibuster. I want to see Senators actually on the floor discriminating against their constituents and generally being obstructionists. Wouldn't that look better for Democrats anyway?
How about Super Mario Brothers? Do everyone's favorite plumbers count as superheroes?
Agreed re: Amelia. Not to get all sportsgum on everyone, but it's like rooting against the Cubs: it's more fun when their fans are miserable, and they've been at it so long you get the sense they secretly enjoy losing a little too in some odd masochistic way.
Score one for "FAKE". Somewhere a YouTube troll smiles contentedly. So, for those keeping score at home, that's Fake 13,246, Gay 12,460. Fake AND Gay is running a distant third, with 4,331, and Basil Marceaux dot com brings up the rear with 24.
You guys, I think Jon Stewart might be serious. I know he's probably the most trusted news source for the 18-30 crowd (demographicsgum!) but he is still a comedian, and I'm having weird acid-style visions of "Man of the Year". WHAT DOES IT MEEEEAAAAN?
In the literature it's usually described as "mimbo" [cf. Seinfeld et al, 1992].
Droppin' 'em like they're hawt? #snoopgum
On the plus side: "Country Strong" feels like a good name for Best New Party Games so, uh, there's that.
You know what? This could be the lunchtime martinis talking, but I love these guys. I mean, they piss all over my heritage and they're despicable human beings and their show is, honestly, not that great ("Hey! Let's go watch a bunch of other people make bad decisions!"-MTV). And then Snooki goes and does this -- whatever this is -- and it's like they're playing jump rope with the line between oblivious and self-awareness. Are they geniuses? Are they morons? Is this all part of some labyrinthine Keyzer Soze-esque plan that will make us all drop our coffee cups as the "so-crazy-it-worked" brilliance dawns upon us? All I know is, when President The Situation nukes Akron, I won't be surprised. But I will probably be interested. Probably.
I don't know who exactly you are, Ryan Van Dyke, but you have Photoshopped your way into my long-term memory. (Although the moustache kinda looks Captain Morgan-y, which is also appropriate.)
"Apes don't read philosophy." "Yes they do, Snooki; they just don't understand it."
Honestly that would be useful. And much better than an anonymous note. Speaking of, there'd better be one with those "Not Me" and "Ida Know" ghosts writing to Sammi.
Sometimes I wonder if this kind of thing is a good indicator of the decline of Western civilization. Like, does this sort of thing always happen? Did the Romans go to gladiator fights ironically?
@roastgum: Also a valid point. A heavy-handed political message can most definitely distract from the work, especially in modern film (V for Vendetta, off the top of my head). And is it just me or does this seem worse when you disagree with the message?
@Mans: A very succint and well-worded point that I agree with. An upvote didn't seem to cut it.
"...Works that attempt to engineer a real-word “message” are almost invariably awful." I guess I'm confused by what you mean by engineer. Works of art like Picasso's "Guernica" and Goya's "Shootings of May 3rd" certainly aim to impart a real-world message; what's wrong with that? /engineertryingfranticallytorememberartworksgum (for everyone not involved in the sidethread:
Doesn't matter. The funniest thing on this page is definitely the Bing search for "contact juggling OR apocalypse". Somewhere in Redmond, Wash., is a group of heavily confused programmers wondering why that search combination is climbing the charts.
How did I forget that! Oh man. The priceless "aw shit" look.
Confession: watched my first-ever episode last night with my roommates. That hour was so long, I kept waiting for Leo DiCaprio to show up and shoot me out of limbo. In fairness though, it's hard to top The Situation's comment about beating a dead horse: "And then it's dead, so you gotta stop beating it, because it's dead." The note... don't get me started. Holy shirtless gelato, Batman. What a shitshow that was. And who knew there were still Internet cafes? I want me some of that black with lime-green highlighted goodness. And could it be that everyone is watching it because they heard everyone else is watching it? The wisdom of crowds indeed.