
Here's one: Diana Ross' version of "Ain't No Mountain High Enough." They did OK on the distilled single edit for most of it, but near the end, where the full orchestra kicks in with the key change at about 2:42, it sounds pretty chopped.
No schtick necessary, lost_limey - just your good company. Nice to see you back!
Mark, coming through on a Friday, with a world class idea. Well done. My nomination is this one: The first time I heard, "time to eat all your words... line, it was so 'Lennonesque' that I thought it was a long lost sample or something...
Pleased to report the The Gopper of Stob is back on the block:
I’m certainly not knocking an excellently crafted and fun pop record. But oddly,, the thing that comes to mind first when I think of “Roll To Me” is how short of a song it was. Perhaps the brevity was also a nod to being slightly (early) Beatlesque. In any event, it’s a fun two minutes and 15 seconds.
I’m with you on that, Mark. There’s a fine art to being able to pull it off, but doing so without being too cute about it. On that one, I think Del Amitri got it right.
Speaking of friend Maadlus speaking of disappearances: I think about some of our "legacy" commenters who have not posted in along time. Folks like ex-edmontonian, Floating Islands, intercarvillmarvel, jpbaker64, Pazzman, jsb, and so many other musically-informed, cool, and kind people. There are many others, and if you well-remember a particular commenter who has "gone on holiday", please add to the list. If you're still here and lurking, that's great! Please know that we miss you, and perhaps chime in with a quick hello.
... To the B... to the I... to the X... This is great. It's an inspired and well-crafted piece of art. Good on our talented friend BixMeister!
Oh, my goodness. Godspeed, Ronnie.
Colin the wine-stealing altar boy... He became a biker... Permission, Brigita, to use these for a song lyric? (With full and grateful attribution, of course.)
I well remember where I was when I first heard this one, and how happy I was for those two kids. So simple, catchy and fun.
"What do you do at a yellow light?" "Slow down." "OK." "Whaaat... do you dooo... aaat a yell... llow... liiight..."
My day got happier reading this, Link. Good on the Family Crawford.
An unspeakable one. The pain would be incomprehensible.
A good welcome to you, planetjane!
OK. Gonna try, with a little help from my friends.
This is why the TNOCS crowd loves you. You get it. Hang tough. You’ll make it through the sides.
I was indeed born with 10 fingers. Maybe I should use fewer of them.
I agree, and my pleasure. You officially have sold your stuff. I wrote and recorded my first song in October. Look for "mt58 8:45 Lyric Video" on YouTube, if you need something to fold laundry by.
"heighteronormativity" TNOCS Vocabulary Challenge™, Part Deux. OK. You all know what to do. Let's roll.
Med changes can often be a real challenge. I hope that you get through yours in the best possible way. Thinking good thoughts for you, rubberbandit.
I think I get it, and I like it. I just bought it. Good on you for making music.
I hear you. It's pandering and tedious. I'd hate it, too.
It was 100% accidental, but, yeah, weirdly, it's become an unmoderated and respectful community. The fact that Scott and Tom allow it to carry on is humbling and appreciated. We know that it's not for everybody, but it's become a nice place to visit; a tiny break to talk with good people during the past few years of a politically and environmentally defective world. Pre-COVID, we'd floated the idea of a meetup. It's up in the air until things are safe, whenever that will be. We like everybody. Maybe come over sometime and say hello.
You started at the proper place. And as you move along, you are in for a real treat!
They are lucky to have you on board, friend dothestrand. Knock 'em dead!
Very kind as always, jon, and kind of you to ask. It’s going great. I’m the luckiest person in the world.
Thank you, friend Stobgopper! We understand that life intervenes, but you are sorely missed. Please come around more often!
A big plus one and thanks for the reminder of this one, RWonegan. Random observation: ‘Ms. Chatelaine’ would make a terrific TNOCS commenter name. I’m just saying.
I noted and love that this is your metric, Mr. Plow. It speaks volumes.
At best, I'm just the equipment manager around here, DF. We'll save that space for all of you.
Seconded. "Any Major Dude" is great. Dad-rock and yacht-rock jokes aside, it's hard to think of very many artists that have such a deep and well crafted catalog like Steely Dan. The high proportion of their recordings that could be ranked as "really well done and /or great" are astounding. I knew someone once who opined that although they weren't his particular cup of tea, he appreciated what they did and how they accomplished it with great respect. My kind of guy.
Fair enough, friend Bix. I promise to envision it with love and respect.
Two of my top 100 favorite musical moments evah are in "Constant Craving." The first is the way the band nails it on the one, when the guitar solo kicks in. 1000% right on the mark. It somehow manages to deliver a declarative punch - and does so not as as assault; but as an invitation. The second is the way the accordion bed flows behind the solo itself. How can something be mournful, despairing, hopeful, and comforting, all at the same time? I aspire to being able to deliver even four seconds of such profound musicianship and artistry before I leave this mortal coil.
I'm begging you: A video. Home movie. Polaroid. Charcoal sketch. Anything. This, we've got to see.
Re: # 3: For better or worse, some dances are memorable: - The Electric Slide - The Stroll - The Twist - The Rock - The Running Man ... and, there's this. Apparently, and I quote, "it's the thing to do; kids will envy you." Yikes. More like, "The guys will pummel you..." Here's hoping that every day, you're all finding a way to keep the faith, in whatever way that works for you. I'm rooting for you. Have a great weekend, good friends. Please be careful, take care of yourselves and each other, ...and good on you all.