
From that angle, he looks like a homeless Barack Obama. I smell a biopic role...
I see she was strategically filmed in the one corner of her home not adorned with dead animal heads and/or guns.
Angleo's dad was never proud of him as a child, and America never proud of him as an adult. It's just Angelo and his questionably existent mail-order bride against the world.
I'm crying foul. Everybody knows unicorns are supernaturally gifted dancers and they should be disqualified from competition.
16. Brad Womack will only be permitted to speak to contestants via a beaver puppet on his right arm.
No blood for high-fructose corn syrup!
Everyone knows Pepsi is the fanciest of sodas.
This. This movie made it seem like abandoning your family when you find out you're going to die was the right thing to do and that Morgan Freeman's wife was the asshole for wanting to see her terminally ill husband while he was flying around with a rich asshole he just met.
I will second Reality Bites. News flash: capturing an apathetic generation on film does not mean you get to stop writing the movie halfway through!
The Fast & The Furious, AKA: the future frontrunner. "I make my terrible moves an hour and a half at a time" -Vin Diesel
Over the break, my company internet got cracked down upon and now I'm reading/commenting on Videogum on my phone. I'm like a prison inmate with 3oz of Blog hidden in my rectum.
Snooki looks good, you guys.
Well since you invited uncle Mel, it's a good thing that cousin Antoine couldn't make it.
About a half a mile east of there Mulder Ave. turns into Pervert Way, which intersects with sexual addiction Rd.
At least somebody is trying to improve the reputation of Keshas in this world!
Oh this is only the first in a four-part series of nominations, ending in the coup de grace 'Fast Five'.
I want to again nominate 2001's 'The Fast and The Furious' because it is the worst movie to ever spawn 4 feature film (FOUR!) sequels and features dialogue such as this: Vin Diesel: You almost had me? You never had me - you never had your car... Granny shiftin' not double clutchin' like you should. You're lucky that hundred shot of NOS didn't blow the welds on the intake! You almost had me?
Elf is great, but I gotta give credit to Will Ferrell on that one, same with Iron man and Robert Downey Jr. Jon Favreau is really good at getting great actors to be in his mediocre movies. I said it.
This Movie features a cameo by Donkey Kong champion Steve Wiebe, who has exactly one line of dialogue. And if you haven't seen 'King of Kong' I recommend it. It is the most fun you'll ever have watching nerds argue about 1980s arcade games.
John Favreau is coming dangerously close to being banned from the WMOAT. He's like the Robin Williams of directing. Also, Swingers is over-rated.
Preview audiences for District 9, Part duex found the soundtrack off putting.
Sky Captain and the World of Tortillas
Also, thanks for the good times in 2010. This place is great, because just as I can't get in front of a real computer all the time, you guys KILL IT on twitter and it makes my day. In 19 years, I'll buy you all a round of drinks!
Wait, I was featured on a real life mug?
HAPPY CHRISTMAS, MONSTERS! "What's the deal with airplane food?"
Waaay ahead of you:
“We’re not in Kansas anymore ” – The theory of evolution
That's just the polite way of saying 'thank god we're out of that flat shithole'
Clever subliminal advertising AT&T, but you can't fool me!
Lady Gaga's outfits are starting to get really avant-garde
True fact: Diddy changed the spelling of his name to 'Ditty' last night because Ds are sooo 2008.