
It's weird, when I read this, I pictured Bob Ross saying this. And you know what? I'm all right with that.
I'm going to pronounce it Sheik now and hope that people get the reference. It seriously made me laugh so hard because it put such a funny image in my mind....a chic sheik....
...(très chic, but I think i like sheik better)....
Fun Fact: That kid from Jingle All the Way got "asked" to leave his college for dealing weed out of his dorm.
Daniel Radcliffe has copious amounts of chest hair that are unnecessarily displayed through his toddler sized v-neck sweater. JUST THOUGHT I'D POINT THAT OUT IN CASE EVERYONE MISSED IT.
I hear ya, sister. The deep dish pizza stuff here is too deep for me. I'll forgo the waterwings and stay in my shallow ended thin crust.
OH. That's nice. I like thinking about that.
Remember when Jungle 2 Jungle ended with a freeze frame of Tim Allen coming out of the water on the beach in his business attire and shrugging his shoulders? I remember.
Having my mom wait for me with 30,000 hugs actually sounds really nice.
there will never be enough upvotes for the beauty in this comment.
Twilight is, um, an awful thing, is what it is.
It made my heart melt. There were too many times during the episode where the six people I was watching it with looked at each other and went, "Ooooohhhhhh!"
I'm proud of her; she's gonna use the SHIT out of the new word she learned: "inappropriate."
I would actually love to know what's up with Norm MacDonald.
My grandma also laughed in my face when I told her I was getting married. Life, ya know?
My favorite part of the video was when the music started playing and then the video hit that yellow mark and an ad popped up offering me insurance quotes. Youtube, ya know?
There once was a teddy bear named...Pandy. Pandy had thought he was in the perfect relationship.Then one day, the child he belonged to tossed him out into the street. He had been replaced. (A Short Story) By: Colin Farrell
ehhhhhhh i'd probably rather wear fur than go naked. i'm in the windy city, and that wind'll whip right through you. fur would actually probably be a wise choice.
I'm actually legitimately sorry. Anything with B-Pepps is pretty scary, but alas I couldn't think of a better picture to use. For now.
I don't get it. It's just a black screen. OH JIM CARREY YOU SLAY ME, SIR.
and by 'am I the only who saw,' I meant 'am I the only one who saw.' Because struggle.
and by 'peak', I meant 'peek'. Because spelling.
You neglected to comment on the sneak peak at Leighton Meester's new music video. Or am I the only who saw (barfed) that?
Jake Gyllenhaal was not the proper actor for this uh...what he wasn't. This movie looks terrible is how it looks.
I would like to upvote you into uh... what I would like to do.
One, Two! Two! Two typos! Sorry.
"Here's one: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life cracks your head, use a helmet." -Gary Busey
I, too, have been receiving a lot of messages on my answerphone.
enough already.
Is it odd that this picture made me actually go to the website and vote for him? Is that weird?
Jungle 3 Jungle Which is also the name of the sequel to Jungle 2 Jungle. Two jungles just weren't enough.