
Carlos D isn't.
Because some are in really rad places like Coachella Valley.
"ga", there is a certain exclusivity lost, imo. Bonnaroo has Elton, Kanye, Vamp Weekend, and Lionel Richie. All over the place there and may be a little random, but at least it is different. Even the fact that I am saying that about Bonnaroo is funny, because those headliiners are wayyy different than the bedrock that festival was built of jam bands. Less festivals, more uniqueness and make it worth a trip. Many of the middle level bands will be traveling to my location anyway and playing much smaller venues that are more desirable musically. I love the Moogfest idea in Asheville this year. It has a very focused unique lineup with lots of interaction. Different. An experience that not many can share. I am probably just an old fart and not "into it" anymore. Bros in tank tops and headbands pushing me over to see Childish Gambino terrifies me, too.
Hasn't this whole festival idea eroded? It seems to have plateaued with even a tipping point being Outkast's making the proclamation that they are playing 40 fests. It is a great example of the homogenized nature of these money grabs. At least Outkast came out and said they were doing it, though. In any event, the events keep selling out with pre sales a year in advance and the rich keep gettign richer, but I wonder when it will all backfire.
Never mad at new Wu. Keep Polarizing, son. You really make an assumption on an entire project on your view of the first offering being a less than stellar track in your opinion? Since when has Wu ever been predictable? Stereogum gossip page writing.
Shut up, Tom. This bangs.
I agree. Please take this down Stereogum. Has nothing to do with anything other than show how garbage he was personally and professionally.
In a public forum you have to understand that what makes no sense to you is not necessarily true of the public at large. If you are going to comment than make a definitive statement of truth. By saying "something unsettling" it leaves it open to interpretation. I looked at it as maybe you were making a comment on tweeting becoming a mainstream way of communication more effective than tv, and that it was sad. But, that is not what you meant. You meant that they were not effectively tweeting, right? I am saying that their attempt is admirable to use non-traditional methods of communication for more information. The way your comment leaves it openended like that though without specifically stating purpose makes it polarizing and frustrating. Inevitably continuing down the rabbithole of comments and increased frustration on your end that people don't get it. A simple question to yourself of "how will this be interpreted" will save you a lot of trouble. Nobody is against you, but once you make it about the world being against you by claiming "downvote" prejudice it just makes it all the more ridiculous.
Did you read the tweet? It wasn't to share about the killer tacos at the food truck village it was for possible leads and to help with any information. A useful hashtag, for once.
The thing about this is that as a natural skeptic to any and everything I am hard pressed to think of a reason that Neil Young would find a motivation for promoting this product other than to promote better sound. It will be interesting to see if recording people will embrace it. I would assume it requires different formatting? Could that be a potential barrier? Will individual songs cost more? Will people be willing to pay for it is the ultimate question. But, it's intriguing. I pay for Spotify and agree there are recordings on there that do not sound like full quality and always hope to have the full quality of a song, and IF this player can guarantee that it is the closest thing, it has a market.
I think Pat played guitar on of the the more recent tours for one of their more recent forgettable albums, but i'm not sure because I didn't really care. What was your question again?
Diarrhea Planet would actually be a better name for this mud filled bonanza.
Polarize: divide or cause to divide into two sharply contrasting groups or sets of opinions or beliefs.
Why did I just read that. Dumb indeed.
Noel Gallagher Light.
People are probably so annoyed by this thread.
Not comparing albums, merely comparing the fact that El-P has been doing the off the wall production for awhile. The main element to the album is that the sound of Yeezus is apparently sooo different, and he loves the fact that since most are only informed of hip hop through his brand, he becomes the benefactor of this groundbreaking sound. It just bothers me that more sites don't look at what El-P is doing as something sustainable and worth more to Hip Hop overall than Kanye's submission which may have been indirectly influenced by.
Yeezus does it, it changes the game. El-P does it, and it is more of the same. Sucks that RTJ does not get credit that it should. Yeezus takes credit for what others have been doing, changing the sound.
Stereogum: Twitter feeds and page views, that's what we do!
Love when I get reminders of how good new music can really be.
I guess Sid and Nancy is passe these days.
Soundtracks are a money grab, if not for the artist, it is a label dictation in partnership with movies to make money. "Soundtracks" may have just been a generalization, it was not all inclusive, but any that have been released in the past 8-10 years really hold now worth as a collection and waterdown the product that individual bands or artists are creating. You still spinning that M83 score to that Tom Cruise whatever it was called movie? Gonna tell me that intrinsically you didn't cringe at the fact they got a great collective of artists for Twilight soundtracks and all are marginal at best tracks? Just saying, you know, I mean Spacejam, excluded of course.
You just want to be listened to, hey, I get it, youre welcome, I guess, but, you know, I could be wrong, in that case, I'm sorry a B side from the upcoming album you, ultimately will hate, did not measure up, :/.
I'm already finding it annoying, not particularly because of the song, but because it was made for a movie. Hope artists are not going to start getting lazy and using movie plots as inspiration, instead of actual human inspiration for their songs that movies use for their plots. Both are annoying and create a huge mainstream buzz that ultimately plays the song out, but, it payzzzzzzz. Then again, who buys soundtracks anyway...
After the fact trolling is just, so, you know, sadface.
Honestly, this has been the featured headline for two days.
Even the B sides are gold on this latest stuff. Reallllly into it. Can't wait to see Helders fucking mashing the drums live again.
Emo Rap. Somebody give this kid a hug, then go listen to Run the Jewels.
I don't even know what I am supposed to care or not care about anymore.
Just ignore it and hope that it goes away.
How ironic, I just bought Aha Shake on vinyl like 10 mins ago! Phil, agree to disagree. But, youre wrong. The later stuff blows. But, maybe there is a chance....