
This was supposed to be a picture of the CRB/Anchor collab which is a steam beer and super tasty.
Publishing these articles just spark more interest for assholes next year. Honestly, the shop I went to had a girl that posted up 8pm the day before to get that Brand New record. While I do not like the band, and am frankly amazed at that level of dedication in a city not named NY or LA like this one it just sucks that some dick could be right beside a genuine fan, and then gouge them moments after they buy an album.
I wonder if the TDE influence is going to become a conflict moving forward. It seems like a lot of the nickel and dime stuff is in Punch's hands. This Reebok thing smacks of advice coming from outside, especially since Kendrick seems put it out there that his only concern is his art and leave the other stuff to TDE. Being obliviously loyal is not an excuse for taking bad advice.
I understand that this is a premature evaluation and anything on here should be taken with a grain of salt, but why take such definitive views on the music if you admittedly have not fully digested the work? Also, with your entire Pac comparison, how does your assumption that Kendrick idolizes Tupac mean that he needs to be him? Are you just really missing Shakur and are disappointed KL's not giving you the gang mentality, borderline misogynist raps that you crave? If you listen to all of the "interview" at the end and the message about power being a young man's game, than at 27 Kendrick doesn't have time to wait on taking a stand. THAT, if anything contributes to an imbalance in this work, the clarity he is feeling right now and how to properly channel it while being the best rapper in the game. Btw, I don't think that there is one once of fear or anxiety in that "Control" verse.
Also, anyone else seeing the potential for an unbelievable tour of Kendrick and D'angelo? Think that it would be a match made in heaven.
This aint an album its a declaration of war.
Disco Psych. The next wave in future sounds.
Yall ever seen them live though?
What? Does it still stand up? Have you seen what OOP copies go for online? It's still amazing and appreciated. One of the best albums of the decade.
This is what should have interrupted Beck's acceptance speech.
If you listen to "I love you, Honeybear" or any of his music and think it is classified as a creation of a "character" than you are not listening. This is sentimental music for his lover through storytelling of an excess lifestyle. It is a genuine and has a lot in its innuendo and content. My point is that I hope none of his beautiful writing and words are lost by his grandiose gestures on stage. If people pay attention to those movements other than the fact that he is creating beautiful songs I just wonder if continuing to create will be enjoyable for him.
I love the music, too. This upcoming album is great. But, it is kind of dark stuff. He is putting out some deep introspective lyrical content, but it is masked in his performance as an entertaining songman. Which I really appreciate and like as a fan of his music and the performance. Others will go for "the show" as I said. "Hey, come check this dude out, hes crazzzzzzy". Which is dismissive of the music and ultimately labels the act. Is he OK with people not getting it and just going to see him be on stage? You know, maybe it doesn't matter, but when "the act" becomes old to people, which, again, I enjoy it, but when the masses move on I wonder if he will feel validated if that happens. Will he ultimately feel like he is perceived as a caricature by most by being sincerely engrossing? Maybe its just a joke that he is the only one in on and happy with that. I'm not saying anything to be critical I just wonder how the whole FJM act will progress as his next album is about to come out and hopefully he is properly appreciated.
He's riding a dangerous and potentially self destructive line. But, the interesting thing is that it is not of his own creation. I don't think. Meaning, are people coming to see the act or to see "the show"? Something that can be posted on social media as a trophy more than actually living in the moment. These albums seem to play out like the diary of a sad clown, and maybe he is just playing this persona and he doesn't really care about how he is perceived by the crowd, but ultimately is J. Tillman ok with creating this image that could ultimately be looked at as a caricature more than an artist? Maybe, hes just a nihilist, and it really doesn't matter.
Ya'll saying that Howard Stern is polarizing? Look, its about context. Anything that is written can be used however a site wants to create buzz and attention for their site. News flash Howard is a tall, ugly, small pee peed man. He says it daily. He likes others that make it like he has with little beauty. A back handed compliment may be a bit much, but honesty is a rarity in this moral high ground society. Get over yourself.
Most slept on times infinity.
Luckily there are plenty of white kids in this world.
I wish I cared about Dave Grohl as much as people wanted me to care about Dave Grohl.
I think that just like everyone should go back and listen to "Transference" they should also give "Expo 87" another turn and hope for a second coming of Wolf Parade.
This marriage is about as perfect as it gets.
The best songs don't tell me what you are going to do, they just do it.
Last Living Souls....just saying...
Somebody tell Wolf Parade to get their act together now.
I'm officially out of touch.
This festival should have been called VomitBall. I had never been to a fest with so much throwing up.
I hate when song lyrics get in the way of my social media status.
Well thats, umm, different.
I would agree, but then would challenge you to listen to Wu Tang forever and tell me that shit doesn't still hold up. The producers ain't sleepy, its the fatness that comes from being comfortable. The real issue is that there is no hunger, a lot of bitterness it seems among the members. Anything that comes out now seems like it will be forced. Which, is not good for a final product.
Most consistent group in the game. Black Thought is most underrated. They are doing more to further rap than anyone out there. They know their lane and stay in it.
Produced by Boi-1da. Which is the only thing really worth mentioning as it pertains to this track.