
The Blob (of snot)
I had no idea that match heads were filled with tiny spider egg sacs.
So she wasn't drowning? It's almost like a still photo that's been tightly cropped may not give you all the information. For example, Gilbert Gottfried is likely not pooping in this picture.
Being 24, rich, and single does sound pretty depressing.
Coke Man, Coke Man Coke Man meets Lava Man They have a fight, Lava wins Lava Man
I have very little hope for the new Cosby series, but the other day I listened to a comedy album of his from 1963 and it was great.
He was probably just wandering around waiting for Bar Anticipation to open up. #belmarjokes
Me too. I'm not really sure what I was doing watching that show as a kid. It's not profane or violent, but that was a heavy and grown-up premise for a sitcom.
So, if I'm to understand correctly, the original movie was about a little girl in mourning who turned to blood magic in a desperate attempt to raise the dead? Jesus fucking Christ.
Sorry, but you can't be a grown man who uses moisturizer while also having the facial hair of a college sophomore. It's one or the other, and the time to choose is now.
Ah, he's one of Those Guys. Those Guys are under the impression (1) that we're all very impressed, and (2) that their skin is not susceptible to frostbite.
Ha! It's already 7 degrees here! I wore shorts to work this morning.* *this comment was written by the ghost of R2D2, Esq.
That aired like 8 months ago! also, Romeo and Juliet BOTH die at the end of the play.
Former Game of Thrones actor Richard Madden...
Somebody has to think of the children (who watch British dramas on PBS at 10:00 on Sunday night).
Sunday was pretty fantastic. I got to watch both conference championship games (that's football, #checkinginonsports) and thought that my day was done. I had no idea that it was also the Sherlock premier night until my friend mentioned it. Long story short, I drank the rest of the beer and got to work late yesterday.
I get the reference, and yet I'm still not sure how to interpret this comment...
I hope she's not mad, because that was perfect.
Jezebel has this weird problem where they demand that everyone everywhere apologize for even the most minor of perceived slights against any conceivable oppressed group (even when they may not have understood what actually happened in the first place), but absolutely REFUSE to engage in discussion when they fuck up. They won't even attempt to explain themselves. It is, as they would almost certainly describe it, "problematic".
I don't even have a regular weekend - I'm working tomorrow AND Monday! That's actually because I'm racist, though.
Thank you for the detailed description which allowed me to seek it out on the internet and share in the fun.
For whatever reason, the image you posted isn't showing up in my browser. What is it, Carmen?!?
This isn't about Kroll show per se, but did you guys know that Nick Kroll's dad is literally a billionaire? With a "b"? I also found out that Roger Bennett of Men In Blazers fame is married to Nick Kroll's sister. This second fact is very #sportsgum and may only be of interest to me, but learning that was how I found out about the billionaire thing.
I didn't think he would keep looking fur so long.
What the hell kind of hostage video was this? The woman didn't even make any demands!
6 weeks in a cast is far from nothing. I was once in a cast for just 2 weeks for a broken ankle and when it came off it looked like someone had replaced my lower leg with that of a small child. The muscle goes away super fast.
Today was unremarkable, but let me tell you about last night! I went home to change, and then I was headed right back out the door to go have dinner at my mom's house just because. Well, I walked out the door of my apartment and when it locked behind me I realized that in my haste to change clothes quickly I forgot to put my keys in the pocket of the new pants. But not just my keys! Also my wallet and my phone! There was much swearing. Swearing gave way to desperately hoping that my roommate was planning on spending the night at home. She did come home, but not until I had spent 2 hours sitting in the hallway/standing on the sidewalk freaking the fuck out.
I don't care whether you like Girls or not, but lol at anyone calling her the New Queen of Comedy. "Fuck you." - literally dozens of established actual female comics
I'm just sad that Gabe's not around to see this. Oh, how he loved pranks. #RIPgabe
I'm disappointed that the lady filming it had NO REACTION to her shelf and her cat coming crashing down from the ceiling. Do you think she's ok?
Ditto what Kelly said, but it takes a lot of guts to pop the question in Neverland.