
Kelly - you work from home, don't you? Just double park on the other side of the street at the beginning of alternate side and then move it back when it's over! Completely acceptable time-honored practice.
I guess that didn't suck.
You know how mad I'd be if I paid for a golf lesson and found out the "pro" was just some upjumped waiter? So mad. So, so mad.
My hat says "winter", my shoes say "summer", and my tuxedo says "Canada".
Obviously, his family went to France for the holidays, accidentally left him behind, and now he has to do his own food shopping with hilarious results.
That sounds right. Gossip can be fun, but for me it's only fun when you hear about someone doing something insane/wildly illegal/etc. But I have no idea how anyone musters up the energy to care about the non-event of whether Jennifer Aniston might someday have a baby.
I just don't get The Bachelor. We all know that these women have each had the chance to hang out with the guy for about 2 total hours by the time they've finished taping, so where does the dramatic tension come from? How can they be feeling real emotions about it, and in turn what the hell am I supposed to feel about their inappropriately intense emotions? YOU PEOPLE NEED THERAPY, BACHELOR CONTESTANTS.
You wouldn't think it'd be so easy to fool Ball State like that.
If people don't take this more seriously then deserving Best Picture winners like Forrest Gump and Crash might start to slip through the cracks.
It's also why I didn't even bother picking out a tie I actually like this morning.
He's probably just too worried about Shia LaBeouf to focus.
Episode IV: A New Coat Episode V: The Empire Strikes Hoth Episode VI: Return of the Frostbite
Polar Vortex Express
Tyler Perry's Madea's Pipes Burst
Rob Schneider had a Filipina grandmother, so stuff your sorries in a sack. The same sack in which Rob Schneider's career is being stored. It's in a utility closet at the Happy Madison offices.
This is a dark day for both racists and misogynists.
I don't understand how Chinese food and sex didn't make the list. Not in that order, of course.
This is classic method acting. I heard Pacino actually circumcised himself for that Phil Spector biopic.
Man, Gwyneth doesn't even get her own posts anymore. Just tossed on the pile of morning links like some kind of bogus Episode VII casting rumor.
Maybe this is just Donatello fan fiction?
Yes, a perfectly reasonable age. Where's FLW to back us up on that?
I wish I knew how to calculate the odds that this baby's father had a poster of Jenny McCarthy in a bikini* in his dorm room at some point. *The one with the silver bikini. You know what I'm talking about. Like 5 guys on my floor had that poster in 1996/97.
I don't think the spectrum of comments on this post will be all that wide.
Oh, good. I wanted to be itchy all day today anyway.
You shut your mouth, Kelly.
This reporting is terrible. She didn't slip! It was much more sublimely beautiful than that.
Me neither. The end of every year always serves as a reminder that I never go to the movies and have no idea what music anyone is listening to. Totally up on the year's viral videos, though, because priorities.
It's posts like these where I really miss Steve Winwood.
I'm not familiar with this Greta Gerwig, but I'd like to subscribe to her newsletter and also move in next door.
And the kissing parrot loses. No lips, no kisses. That's just science.
But we need to know these things in advance! We Monsters are a desperate people with apparently very boring jobs!
This is all bullshit and you know it!
Is this the end of the Videogum week? B-b-but...I have to keep working! What will I doooooooo?
Our war finally consumed the gingerbread, and the All Spice was lost to the stars.
I usually don't think it's very funny when people do the exaggerated don't-know-anything-not-even-the-slightest-bit-about-sports shtick, but I'll be gosh darned if Kelly doesn't nail it.
On the one hand, it's pretty crazy that ghosts can comment. On the other hand, it's surprising that Ghost Gabe was only the 4th highest rated comment!
I went snowboarding once in college. I spent the entire day falling down very hard. It hurt. I was freezing. On the way back, my friend's car broke down. Because his car broke down, I missed the George Carlin show I had tickets for that night. Now George Carlin is dead. So yeah, don't go skiing. Or snowboarding.
So the kids in the time travel movie go back in time to win a lottery with a $1.8 million jackpot and we're supposed to believe they're smart enough to put together a time machine?
And to answer your question, I believe these guys had a show on the Outdoor channel or something along those lines. I think it was one of those hunting shows. It was really popular and people seemed to like them, and that led to Duck Dynasty.