
Once, it must have been about 2000-2001, I turned on A&E and they were showing Caddyshack 2. This was already long after their opera days, but it always stuck in my mind as a massive shift away from any pretense they still had of being some sort of serious arts channel.* *to be clear, original Caddyshack would have been A-OK
I found that video deeply satisfying - like crunching leaves beneath your feet or popping bubble wrap.
I'm getting physically uncomfortable at the thought of drinking eggnog non-stop. That stuff is barely tolerable in small doses.
That'll do, Internet. That'll do.
It's interesting to be able to pinpoint the precise time on the 90s when I stopped having any idea what the fuck most other people were watching. Also, Grace Under Fire was a top 5 show for 2 years? Huh.
They're both gonna die someday, you know.
I say just go with it. It's a new year soon! Clear eyes, tricked-out vagina, can't lose.
I'm skeptical, as I'm pretty sure whisk(e)y in its many forms is the perfect winter drink, but will check it out on your recommendation.
1. CLOSE THE DEAL. I BELIEVE IN YOU. 2. There are other, more convincing arguments to recommend vaginas for sure. They're self-lubricating!
My day has been unremarkable, but can I just tell you guys how excited I am to move on Saturday? Very excited. Not nearly as excited for the trip to Ikea, but you've got to take the good with the inexpensive Swedish crap.
Right now I have no idea how my day was because I can't stop laughing at Kelly's rephrasing of this quote as having a "distaste for anus".
I don't think it's weird because I'm right there with you. It's one of those things where I completely recognize how dumb/problematic the stories are but just don't give a shit and love it anyway.
These people clearly brought it on themselves by walking in the wrong direction.
Is each episode going to be extremely short?
"...the dog's religious dogma..." Heehee.
Self Righteous Asshole Dog Prevents Owner From Drinking
And poor Blake Lively has been completely blindsided by all this.
We all thought he was going to get hit in the crotch, right?
"I will own a suite at Claridges, and run a fleet of carriages, and wave at all the duchesses with friendliness, as much as is befitting of my new estate..." "Whoa, pal. Didn't want your life story."
1. When I was a kid, we had a hot water toilet because my dad hired a contractor who was a fucking moron. Hot water toilets are super weird and wrong. 2. Which university was it? Was it Duke? It was totally Duke.
Why the fuck was I so excited when I though there was going to be a picture of Hugh Jackman's bathroom? What's wrong with me?!?
Ok, apparently I'm wrong on that count too. It got 78% on Rotten Tomatoes. Jesus Tapdancing Christ. But I stand by my deranged cackle.
I was more laughing at the critical success bit. Of course it made money because it's a continuation of the Indiana Jones franchise, but I defy you to find a living soul who will defend that pile of shit.
Um, I think Shia's been editing his own Wikipedia page. In 2008, he played Henry "Mutt Williams" Jones III in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, the fourth film in the Indiana Jones franchise. The film was a critical and commercial success. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I skipped right past that and just had ridiculously long hair.
An argument so powerful he didn't even need to rest his case.
Fairytale of Escape From New York
Baby It's Cold Outside Providence
I bet these people never even get drunk in the morning.
If demons can take over INSIDE of your church, you're going to have a hard time convincing people that your god is is all-powerful.
This is just magazines, right? Our laptops aren't affected?