
Na, it's actually very entertaining and lively and thoughtful unless you get headaches easily, which I understand.
Still bummed she's not on Yeezus.
Love The Beatles, but they weren't necessarily master lyricists either.
really digging this track.
I feel you Scruffy. The auto-tune on this record is super dirty and grimy, like a continuation of "Runaway." I think it works really well.
I just came here for the gifs.
Can't wait to her Kitty Pryde's verse.
That whole Colleen Green album is so much fun.
The Postelle's entire new album. Seriously that record can be sung all up and down.
The idea of people playing Radiohead songs on the beach with an acoustic guitar is kind of disgusting.
Glad to know you are taking a stance on all the tough issues.
It's going to be like summer 2010 all over again. We missed you chillwave.
that freakin' piano. Digging all the new tunes so far.
Neutral Milk Hotel is back together proving even indie-rock's finest is not above stooping to the level of the reunion tour cash grab.
And none of it will be as good as it used to be. Cashing in on diminishing returns. Nostalgia is king. Sorry to be a buzzkill. Let's find some new things to enjoy.
Pretty sure this single is the real tragedy of the week.
Here Here AO. I agree with your sentiments although there are some stand outs on the earlier releases "Company Calls Epilogue,"Champagne from a Paper Cup," "Army Corps of Architects." Also their ridiculous cover of "This Charming Man" is deeply endearing.
I feel like my relationship with this band is completely different than the writer. I don't really get how Death Cab have changed since day one. Codes and Keys/Narrow Stairs just as "Death Cab-y" as the early releases. The only thing that's changed is more polish really.
that cover gives mee the heebie jeebies
pretty sure "Last Nite" doesn't hold up like the rest of the album.
I meant that as a reply to oh.....shittt btw. Not you Michael. How does this comment thing work again?
labels are starting to take advantage of the fact that most people stream music on youtube. By most people I mean tweens.
fan-effing-tastic! Can't wait.
crossing fingers for a surprise album announcement for fall 2013.
"Missed the Boat" is incredible.
one of the greatest records ever for me.
Paul Baribeau's music is devastating. I saw him every time he managed to make it out to california when I was still in school. The sweetest guy as well.