
Hahaha, you know the title of that Maroon 5 song.
Ummm, I realize that we are America, but her name is DAME Maggie Smith Thankyouverymuch
"These men are why I'm a lesbian" best joke of the night.
Just talked to my mom. She is.
In-house Donna Darko!
Really? Better than Elizabeth Moss in this past season of Mad Men? Really?
If John Slattery ever left Mad Men, they could replace him with Anderson Cooper and no one would notice.
You guys remember when Timothy Olyphant was in Go and he didn't wear a shirt for 90 minutes and then I did situps until I died?
Matthew Weiner is currently being led back to his seat.
At first I was like "why is my grandmother on screen and why does she look so terrible." but then I realized it was just a shot of Steven Tyler.
Also great in Bridesmaids. "hit a lot of rails. Broke a lot of shit."
Smdh -- the lord god almighty
Uhhhhhhh...what in the world was that story?
Wow, Modern Family is just tapping all the other shows on the forehead with it's modern dick.
She also did not expect to eat a sandwich.
So good, so underrated.
I love television so much.
Ahhhhh! I just saw Ron Swanson and got all the boners!!! Him?
That video was elephantastic!!! ...Later, conclusive reports concerning both the time and method of teacherman's death would remain unconfirmed, though a universal consensus cited "one bad pun too many" as motive. "He would just put two words together and call it a joke," cited one blue, cookie-eating individual who requested his name not be revealed. "I mean, frankly, I'd rather see a 2012 joke or than another one of teacherman's puns. It was that bad." Teacherman is survived by his wife, Baby Friday, and their three dogs: Handsomedog, Girl One, and L'il Bit. He will not be missed.
Just spoke with Winona while she was ringing me up at the Radio Shack and guess what? SHE'S AVAILABLE!
My money is on Courtney Stodden as she is one of the undead.
Fuck me? Fuck you, fuckball. #getshorty
$120? Don't they sell Sperry's at Wal-Mart now for a bag-full of nickels?
That milk mustache is still more respectable that his earring.
Ninety-eight-thousand-one-hundred-and-eight, ninety-eight-thousand-one-hundred-and-nine, ninety-eight-thousand-one-hundred-and *CAR ALARM GOES OFF* One...
Afterward he went to Burger King b/c he wanted to make sure he could get his burger MYYYYYYYYYYYY WAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!! *and with that, teacherman won Monster's Ball for life and Gabe announced on Friday that videogum would no longer be holding a Monster's Ball because clearly no one would ever best this joke. Some complained, but most understood. Sadly, Frank Lloyd Wrong committed hari kari immediately after reading the joke. He is survived by Wife Lloyd Wrong and Dog Lloyd Wrong.*
You laugh, but I have to teach Huck Finn to these girls next year.