
He's got a point. Drunk people so stupid things. It happens. It wasn't malicious or spiteful, he turned and casually kicked her camera. She is fine. A sore neck and a bruised on her face is not a reason to go to the ER. He apologized, let it go people.
I love Goldsmith's drumming! A buddy of mine toured with them William and Nate. William apparent was doing WAY too much nose candy when he did those tracks, and they sounded like shit. Once he left the Foos, he seemed to get back in the saddle and make some killer drumming albums. 'How it feels to be on'anyone? Also, as a drummer, Grohl's work on the color and the shape is fucking tight!
Stereogum, now we get our news directly from TMZ!
Total agree with everything you and Isaac say. Also, where the hell are the people of other ethnic groups?!? I was there over the weekend and I saw 2 Japanese people and one black guy (and he was wearing some vest suit combo...). It's as white as the eyes can be. Hippies, hipsters, and white people. Who the hell wants to live there?!
...and the guy is a Mac guy. I wonder if he reviewed 30 people and showed only the people preferring the iPhone to give himself an article.
Hopefully he sues you guys as well for spreading the lie. Nice job Stereogum!
Stereogum quarters: We haven't had a LDR story this week, let's make something up so people have something to blog about...
Michael, I didn't want to like that album either, but it kind of kicks ass! Way more depth than anything GNR ever did. Better lyric content as well. All and all, it's a damn fine album!
You're right. I don't know what I was thinking. Lana Del Rey is way more relevant to the music scene than Cobain.
Please don't compare Nirvana to LDR. Nirvana=touring in a shitty van for years and playing shows every single night to earn their big break. LDR bought hers with a lot of money from her rich father.
Brace yourself! I listened to the album a ton and whenever that track comes on, I get goosebumps.
Aron, if you haven't heard the whole album yet, it's to put it quite simply, "Intense!". As strong as, "Your love is killing me." is, "You know me well." takes it to a whole new level. Shocking. Brutal. Beautiful. One of the best vocal performances I've ever heard.
At least music not worth mentioning. For some reason I gather that the average age of most people commenting or working at Stereogum is between 18-24.