“Old Town Road (Remix)” Remix Soundtracks Rambo V Trailer

“Old Town Road (Remix)” Remix Soundtracks Rambo V Trailer

Sylvester Stallone is 72 years old, and he is not done with John Rambo. Stallone first played the character of Rambo — a Vietnam super-soldier who becomes a disturbed and traumatized veteran and then becomes a super-soldier again — in First Blood, 37 years ago. He’s played the character in four different movies — the most recent of which 2008’s Rambo, was the single most violent major-studio movie I have ever seen. It seemed nuts for Stallone to be doing the Rambo thing then. But it won’t be the last time. This fall, Stallone will return to the screen in the ridiculously titled Rambo V: Last Blood, in which Rambo will apparently take on Mexican drug cartels. And if you watch the trailer, unveiled today, you might hear something familiar.

In virtually every big-movie trailer of the past few years, we’ve heard an eerie, minor-key version of an instantly recognizable song. It’s as much a trailer cliche as the deep-voiced “in a world…” narrator guy used to be. But the Rambo V trailer has given that treatment to the song that remains the #1 single in America. Lil Nas X and Billy Ray Cyrus’ “Old Town Road,” a jovial country-rap novelty about being a cowboy with Wranglers on your booty and lean all in your bladder, now has dramatic strings and crunch-rock guitars, and it soundtracks images of John Rambo shooting his bow and arrow at shit. Rambo’s got horses in the back! Observe:

For a very different “Old Town Road” experience, please enjoy this video of Lil Nas X surprising a room full of extremely excited elementary school kids:

I am proud to say that I have written extensively about both First Blood and Rambo: First Blood Part II, if you feel like you need further context on the whole Rambo situation.

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