Sharon Van Etten – “Quiet Eyes”

Sharon Van Etten – “Quiet Eyes”

Sharon Van Etten wrote the closing song for Past Lives, the new A24 film for which Grizzly Bear comrades Daniel Rossen and Christopher Bear composed the score. Van Etten’s tune, “Quiet Eyes,” is a string-laden slow burn that feels a bit like an elegant caravan procession.

On Twitter, Van Etten writes:

The idea of past lives, who I used to be, what I could have been, people I lost touch with, parts of myself I lost along the way… is a beautiful, intangible, relatable concept that Celine Song so gracefully explores in her story, Past Lives.

Lana Del Rey collaborator Zachary Dawes of Mini Mansions cowrote “Quiet Eyes” with SVE, and you can hear it below.

Past Lives is in theaters now, and the soundtrack is out 6/9.

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