Destiny Bond – “Headspin”

Jacki Vitetta

Destiny Bond – “Headspin”

Jacki Vitetta

In a few weeks, Denver hardcore punks Destiny Bond will unleash their full-length debut Be My Vengeance, mostly recorded with Deafheaven/Gulch collaborator Jack Shirley. We’ve already posted opening track “Chew,” and now they’ve also shared another track from the LP.

Just like “Chew,” the new track “Headspin” is a short, fast, guttural piece of hardcore punk. But where “Chew” was swaggering and oddly glammy, “Headspin” is more of a straight-up desperate sprint. There’s another left turn in “Headspin”: An opening riff that sounds like it was played on a mandolin? One that reminds me of Russian folk music? It’s cool! It works! The rest of the track rips, and it’s always cool when a hardcore song can throw you off-balance from the opening seconds. Listen below.

Be My Vengeance is out 6/23 on Convulse.

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