Pest Control – “Enjoy The Show”

Pest Control – “Enjoy The Show”

The Leeds band Pest Control got together during the pandemic, and they play blistering crossover thrash that should get you all amped up whether you claim allegiance to hardcore or metal. At the beginning of the year, Pest Control released their debut album Don’t Test The Pest. I played it loud while driving through a torrential downpour to a Super Bowl party, and I had a great time. The album got love in both our hardcore and metal columns, and now Pest Control are back with a new standalone ripper.

Pest Control’s latest is the insanely fast and fired-up anthem “Enjoy The Show,” which has the kind of rare headbanger panache that would’ve made Power Trip proud. Singer Leah Massey-Hay bites down on her syllables like James Hetfield, and she’s got reverb all over her bass. The riffs sound like they were recorded in a cave during a tornado. This thing makes me want to ride the world’s fastest waterslide into a pit of slime. Listen below.

“Enjoy The Show” is out now, and you can get it at Bandcamp.

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