h. pruz – “I Keep Changing”

Felix Walworth

h. pruz – “I Keep Changing”

Felix Walworth

At the end of March, the NYC-based musician Hannah Pruzinsky is releasing their debut album as h. pruz, No Glory, and we posted “Hurting” from it a few weeks back. Today, they’re sharing the new single “I Keep Changing.”

“I wrote ‘I Keep Changing’ in a frenzied summer state in an attic bedroom that sits above the very same cabin I would then record the remainder of the song (and record) in, some six months later,” Pruzinsky shared, continuing:

The song emerged a few weeks following a pretty life-altering break-up. I’m trying to capture the feeling of the moment when you can feel something inside you giving way to a newer form, and how ugly yet unstoppable and freeing that ultimately felt for me at the time. I was running nearly every day on backroads upstate, shedding off the being that I used to be.

Listen below.

No Glory is out 3/29.

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