Ariana Grande Asks Stans To Stop Harassing Presumed Subjects Of Her New Songs

Katia Temkin

Ariana Grande Asks Stans To Stop Harassing Presumed Subjects Of Her New Songs

Katia Temkin

On Friday, Ariana Grande released her highly anticipated album eternal sunshine. It’s a personal record that follows a lot of public speculation about her breakup with spouse Dalton Gomez and about her new boyfriend Ethan Slater. Apparently fans (or, more aptly, stans) are now using the content of the songs as a basis to harass people in her life. Today, the mega-pop star posted a statement about it on her Instagram Story.

“i just wanted to say anyone that is sending hateful messages to the people in my life based on your interpretation of this album is not supporting me and is absolutely doing the polar opposite of what i would ever encourage (and is also entirely misinterpreting the intention behind the music)…” she wrote. She continued:

i ask that you please do not. it is not how to support me. it is the opposite.

although this album captures a lot of painful moments, it also is woven together with a through line of deep, sincere love.

if you cannot hear that, please listen more closely.

thank you.

This isn’t the first confrontation Grande has had with invasive fans. Almost a year ago, the singer posted a TikTok asking her supporters to stop commenting on her appearance.

“I just wanted to address your concerns about my body and talk a little bit about what it means to be a person with a body and to be seen and to be paid such close attention to,” she said in the video. “I think we could be, I think we should be, gentler and less comfortable commenting on people’s bodies, no matter what — if you think you’re saying something good or well-intentioned, whatever it is, healthy, unhealthy, big, small, this, that, sexy, nonsense — we just should really work towards not doing that as much.”

On a lighter note, Grande’s 98-year-old grandmother, Marjorie “Nonna” Grande, has become the oldest person to chart on Spotify because of her feature on the album closer “ordinary things.”

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