Ethel Cain Addresses Reports Of Bad Fan Behavior At Her Shows

Emma McIntyre/Getty Images for Coachella

Ethel Cain Addresses Reports Of Bad Fan Behavior At Her Shows

Emma McIntyre/Getty Images for Coachella

Over the past week, the Ethel Cain subreddit has been aflutter with complaints about crowd misbehavior and venue mismanagement at her shows, particularly a June 5 gig at Roundhouse in London. Cain has shared multiple messages instructing her fans to treat each other kindly while waiting in line and standing in the venue, including the day before the London performance in question.

After her June 3 performance in Paris, Cain posted the following message to her Instagram story ahead of her Amsterdam show:

For those queuing for the shows and also those who will be queuing for the upcoming shows, please remember to be kind to each other in line!! I’ve queued for many a show so I understand the excitement but please don’t be so excited for the show that it comes at the expense of your fellow concert goers! The show will be better for everyone if there’s an atmosphere of respect in the room, both between band and crowd and also between the crowd and themselves. Love you all very much, can’t wait to see you tonight!!

It seems many people in London did not adhere to that request. People who attended the Roundhouse show have reported massive overcrowding in the front of the general admission area, concertgoers drowning out Cain’s performance by loudly singing and screaming, inadequate conditions for disabled people, at least one person pushing through the crowd groping people, and other complaints. Cain is performing at the same venue tonight, and she shared the following message on IG today:

Hi all! Just wanted to reiterate before tonight’s show in London that it is extremely important to me that you all respect each other both in the queue and once in the venue. I very much hate hearing that anyone attending our shows walked away with a negative experience because of bad behavior in the pit. Barreling to the front, slapping people’s hands away when I reach for them, verbally insulting people, it’s all just not very nice. I come and I play these songs because I love them and I would hope the reason you’re coming is because you love them also. There’s really no room for anything else at these gigs. Please do not give us the reputation of being a band that has a negative concert experience for fans. I want people to feel safe and excited when they’re coming, not like they’re going to have to fight for their life just to hear some music. I greatly value community and love between those connecting through shared experiences and I find it really disappointing and disheartening to think that would not be the case for some people because of the callousness of others. Again, to everyone coming tonight or to any future shows, thank you so much for your love and support and we are always very excited to play for you and look forward to seeing you. Stay safe, stay hydrated, and we will see you tonight!!

Cain canceled her scheduled Saturday set at Primavera Porto, but that was due to illness, not these kinds of concerns. Check out screenshots of her messages below.

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