
I can't wait for the near-simultaneous release of multiple movies about film execs who insist upon their own emotional detachment, even as they are clearly falling in love with a superficially attractive premise.
Nah, they are best friends. I heard they love hanging out after meetings of the Our Only Good Movies Are About Dead People Club.
Yeah, Gabe's is kind of a weird take? Like, supporting access to abortion basically requires supporting the rights of more complex, intelligent organisms over less complex , intelligent organisms AND/OR the rights of property owners against theft and trespassing ASSUMING THAT we own our organs and that we can say we'd like to keep both our kidneys the same way we'd like to keep our uteri un-squatted in. And the fact that fetuses eventually become outside-the-body babies and babies is cute is less an argument than it is sentimentalist weirdness and the idea that fetuses are more valuable than people because they haven't had the agency/opportunity to think/do bad things seems indicative of a mindset of those who prefer the idea of life to actually living, who should maybe call themselves pro-the-CONCEPT-of-life-not-the-messy-reality-so-much. OH NO WHY AM I EVEN TALKING ABOUT THIS ON THE INTERNET WHAT A MISTAKE SOMEBODY SHUT THIS DOWN
"I can't believe a total stranger went out of their way to answer my question and didn't also employ a sufficiently deferent tone. (Of course it was a question I could have answered myself because internet.) That is exactly the type of inconsiderate behavior that forces people to vote against human rights. "Also, I am reasonable and humble. Because that is a cool way to talk about yourself, it doesn't make me sound like a tool at all "
All her bras are bought off Etsy.
Downvoting is so 35 CE.
It's cool! My previous comment appreciates replies keeping a safe and respectful distance. (My previous comment has intimacy issues, honestly.)
RAPE PREVENTION TIP #16: Always tightly grasp your car keys while walking through a parking lot at night. Because you never know when you'll need to incapacitate a potential rapist by dangling something shiny in front of their face.
My baby rapist? My baby rapist seems so smart but I'm also scared about my baby rapist.
I think the appropriate term you are looking for here is a pedanterast.
To be fair, it is Jon's own fault. He never should have stopped smoking.
He actually is totally aging, he made fun of his (relative!) decrepitude just the other night:
Watch too many movies, or know how to use the search function on wikiquotes? Because I am seriously suspicious we are dealing with pretend nerds here.
"In the real dark night of the soul, it is always 3-D o'clock in the morning."- F. Scott Fitzgerald
It's like watching a star explode: "What am I witnessing! Oh, I might be killed at the end of this! That's how this ends!"
Good one! I'm also partial to Sharon Redd:
Ironically, the lack of donuts is one of the very problems that can actually be solved by a gun.
Glad I am not the only one who took The Daily Show's advice on how to cure my Seasonal Affective Disorder on a budget.
It Gets Butterfaced* *remark made purely for comedic effect; should not be interpreted as author's actual views on the present condition of former child actor Jonathan Taylor Thomas's face
Absolutely. It is unconceivable to me that a desperate person with zero resources would ever behave with anything less than total dignity and honor. While he has become a marginal celebrity, he should definitely go to prison forever instead.
I actually have this issue. Here's the text that originally accompanied this photo: "I love sports. Look at all my sportsballs! So many. You know what sport I particularly love? The sport where grown adults decide I should pose with a football where my arms are wrapped in a strange, contorted fashion so as to not obscure the object except for where my fingers are splayed across it-- the round tapered object, bisected down the center, displaying an uncanny sheen matching the one on my lips. That I should look at the camera with a look no one has ever made playing football. The sport where adults who work for a magazine called "Teen Beat," think this is the best possible way for a child to be photographed for other children. Awesome sport, guys."
One more thing, and then I'm gonna go take a nap: People who complain about people complaining don't strike me as happy; rather, they seem like people of ambiguous temper who are highly defensive of happiness as a concept-- like cheerleaders of a narrow set of prescribed emotional responses-- as if happiness weren't a transitory and arguably kind of trivial state (in contrast with contentment or satisfaction). But the ideas that only happy people get things done or that people who are not happy are in the way of human progress seem silly, and not actually supported by global trends.
I think what you are hearing is the sincere and justified frustration that is the outcome of living in a society that has failed to support its citizens of least means; that effective support must be a feature of a society on a structural level; that this man's trajectory highlights the cruelty of our current system (in that he had to be considered exceptional to get assistance); that the cruelty of the system is ultimately the salient issue here; that an obsession with unusual outcomes easily distracts us from improving the system and the overall lives of everyone; that corporate interests seek to distract us by blowing up these exact kind of narratives so that they can continue enriching themselves w/o reprimand. Or something.
In the armed forces, advancement on issues concerning race proved slow. It would take many more years, as well as an executive order signed by President Truman, before a young black man was allowed to fill the position of Spiderman.
I just wanted to say, I think you're killing it on this comments section.
Clearly, Gabe has forgotten to mention 2010's greatest cinematic triumph:
We've got to break the actual dude out of prison. Then we can start planning for the assànge à trois.
"We can hear you just fine. No need for shouting, Tiny Elvis."
What Happens When You Leave Las Vegas
I would also be wailing if I were constantly being hit in the hoo-hah by my bodice tassles.
He's like a sexy, impatient Moses.
Piper Perabo is perhaps best-known for dancing on a bar with Tyra Banks and dancing on a floor with Don Draper's secretary.
"You win this round, Patrick M."- Ben Greenman
I thought that was a clip from Letters to Juliet? Haha, what a terrible year!